Chapter 14

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Rosalie frowned at Dimitri as he walked into the house, drunk. Earlier in the day he and his brothers decided to have a guy's night out and allow the women spend some time together. Xander's wife had just flown in the other night with her daughter and son. His wife immediately took a liking to Rosalie and they, along with Catherine, acted like sisters.
Rosalie was more than happy to help care for the children, along with the teens. Sage and Sara were beyond happy to spend the night with Rosalie, who they were claiming as their step mother. She laughed and told them she and their father were just friends.

Now, hours later, she was watching a very drunk Dimitri stumbled through the door. Following behind him was a sober Xander and drunk Xavier.

"Before you start, I have no control over him." Xander said quickly, noticing the woman's scowl.

Rosalie sighed and helped the barely standing Dimitri. "Pain in my ass." She grumbled at the drunk alpha.

Dimitri smirked, "If we do it in the ass I will be."

Rosalie froze and dropped him, earning a grunt of pain from him. Xander and Xavier burst out laughing at the door until Catherine and Xander's wife came storming downstairs.

"Felicity! Honey, I swear-

"It's three in the morning! What bar stays open this late?" Felicity snapped.

Xander paled, "Uh...your brother's bar..."

"Hedrick is in so much trouble when I get my hands on him!" She continued to fume.

Meanwhile, Catherine was dragging Xavier by his ear, grumbling about him needing a brain. Rosalie sighed and picked Dimitri back up, helping the stumbling alpha up the stairs. When his daughters saw him their eyes were wide with shock before filling with amusement.

"Good luck with him!" Sage called as she ran into her room.

Rosalie sighed and shoved his room doors open. She dropped him on the bathroom floor before closing the bedroom doors. When she walked back into the bathroom he was sitting up and glaring at the toilet.

"It growled at me." He growled lowly.

Rosalie pinched the bridge of her nose, "Did you press that medal piece down that's on the side?"


"It was flushing, Dimitri...not growling. Does your brain disappear when you're drunk or something?" She sighed.

"It growled at me." He stated stubbornly.

She looked at him with one eyebrow raised, "It's official, you're an idiot."

"Am not." He pouted.

She shook her head and stood him up, "Shirt, off."

"Oh, first we're insulting me and now we're going to have sex with me? Damn woman. Patience."

"Dimitri, shut your mouth before I shut it for you." She snapped.

He frowned at her, "Jerk."

After he was changed into clean pajama pants she helped him into his bed. She turned to leave when his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into the bed with him. She stiffened as he pressed her against his chest and rested his head on her's.

"Oh, I like the drunk Dimitri. We should have sex with him. Like, now." Her wolf suddenly spoke.

"Tatiana, this is not the time to act like a slut!" Rosalie shrieked.

"Oh come on, just open your legs for him and-

"Why are you such a hoe?"

"Excuse me! Your cousin is a hoe, not me. I'm simply sexy."

"Wha about me?"

"You're okay."


"Thank you."

Rosalie sighed and blocked her wolf out, shaking her head. She attempted to get out of Dimitri's hold, but he wasn't having any of it. She eventually gave in and closed her eyes, falling asleep beside the impossible man.

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