Chapter V: Meeting of the Gods

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            "Meeting? About what?" I stutter out the words in surprise, jogging to catch up with his long strides. Why is he acting like a jerk? He was so nice before. What's gotten in to him? It wasn't me, I wasn’t even around. Jeez, do gods PMS? That still wouldn't solve anything, considering he is a guy. The equivalent of some male god hormonal imbalance?

            "A meeting for you to be introduced to the gods that you don't already know" Mercury replies curtly, stopping his insane walk in front of a door. Turning to me, he gestures at it. "All the outfits you are allowed to choose from are in this room. They are all dresses. Choose five new dresses, and then teleport yourself back to your room. Also, the gods you already know, or that Zeus thinks you already know, won't be at the meeting. Apollo, Aries, Artemis, Hera and I won't be attending, so you'll have to find your way back to the council meeting room on your own." With that he disappears, leaving me standing in front of a door alone.

            "PMS prone" I hiss out, momentarily angry towards the god. Giving my anger up for curiosity, I open the door and step inside. He said I could only take five dresses. There are hundreds in here. I’ve never seen so many dresses. Holy...

            Rows and rows of dresses are lined up, sorted by color. Every row has a different shade or different color, and different style. I immediately head towards the emerald green dresses, sorting through the rack. V-necks, ones in true Greek style that show one breast, the square neck like the one that I am wearing. So many different types of dresses to choose from, all dresses I wouldn’t be able to afford if I was buying them. I think the only one I can pull off would be the v-neck. Slinging it over one arm, I continue over to the midnight purple dresses. There isn't a random way to my picking, there is a method to my madness. I'm picking the colors of dresses that I didn't see in the closet. I didn't see green, purple, blue, red or black. But I am wearing a black one, and I now have a green one. So that gives me one free choice of any color. Picking out a one strapped purple dress that covers most of my chest, I sling that one over my arm and continue on to the blue rack. Here they have even more choices. Long dresses, floor length dresses, mid thigh dresses. And the goddesses get to choose from these every day? If I had a closet like this I would never come out. I pick a mid thigh one with both straps, a modest little thing, and keep on my way. The red one I choose is ankle length with another v-neck, and for the last one, I pick a soft forest brown dress that is styled normally. Closing my eyes with my armful of dresses, I take a deep breath and think hard. My chambers.

            My bracelet heats up before cooling down again, and opening my eyes, I see the familiar walls of my room. Smiling, I hang up my dresses and sit down on my bed. When exactly is that meeting? I guess it's just another thing Mercury forgot to mention. Just like the exact reason for why he's angry. I could call him and ask, or even call Apollo, but after knowing that Apollo just wanted favour and Mercury seemed to want to get away from me, I don't feel like doing either. That leaves me with trying to find my way back to the meeting room. That should be easy enough, right? Go straight past four corridors and then turn right. Or, I think that’s the way I came to my room.

            Slipping out of my room, I follow my own directions. Padding down the hall silently, I hear something that makes me stop in my tracks.

            "No Hermes, not right now. I have to get to the meeting. It's about to start" Aphrodite's soft voice comes through a door to my left, in a tone I recognize. The tone a woman uses on a man when she’s turned on but doesn’t have time for him.

            I’m starting to catch on. All gods seem to be whores. Filthy, pathetic whores. I shake my head, crossing Mercury and Aphrodite off my list, just under Apollo, and continue on my way. My mood plummets though, making my shoulders sag with the weight of a thousand pounds. I thought that maybe he, with his good personality, would have adapted to new times. Do all of the gods screw around like its nothing? Other than Hera. I turn right at the hall I remembered, and stop in front of the giant gothic doors.

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