Epilogue: One Year Later

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One year later

"Apollo, put me down!" I screech, swatting at him as he lifts me up from behind and dumps me on the couch. I glare up at him, lying in a dishevelled heap on the couch, legs sprawled unceremoniously. "I didn't mean dump me down, you jerk!"

The bronze haired god grins mischievously, walking around the couch and pointing a finger at me over the back of it. "You, stay. I'll get rid of him."

"Get rid of him? That's my brother you are talking about" I hiss, sitting up despite his warning. I duck underneath his reaching arm and jog for the door, managing to yank it open just as Apollo yanks me backwards. I stumble back and bump into his chest, all the while giving the black haired boy at the door a lopsided grin. "Hey Marcus."

Marcus blinks, his arms crossed across his chest as he looks at us. He shakes his head, rolling his eyes and stepping back. "Am I interrupting something? Because I can always come back later."

"No" I say at the same time as Apollo says "yes".

I shoot him a glare before looking back at my brother. "What's up?"

Marcus grins at me, rolling his shoulders back and stepping into the house. "Zeus said that there is a meeting tonight at midnight on some policy about humans not knowing about gods and about gods not being allowed to have relationships with mortals. Oh, and my ceremony for becoming a Titan will be tonight."

I grin and struggle out of Apollo's arms, ducking away and running to hide behind Marcus. "Alright, we'll be there. Now help me!"

Marcus laughs and gets in Apollo's way as he lunges for me. "Why? What the hell did you do this time, Dana?"

Apollo makes a frustrated moan, tugging at his hair while standing in front of my brother, glaring playfully over Marcus' shoulder at me. "What did she do? She stole my bow, hid it and won’t give it back, the little minx."

I smile innocently and back up, placing my hands on Marc's shoulders. "I did not. I just borrowed it. You believe me, right?" Resting my chin on my brother’s shoulder, I give him my best puppy dog eyes, silently pleading with him to agree. If he doesn’t, I am going to get my ass kicked.

"No" Marcus answers, snickering and glancing over his shoulder at me. "Speaking of which, you might not want to stand in front of the door if you are wearing so little."

I blush and skirt around the boys, heading for the bedroom to throw on shorts under my huge t-shirt, but Apollo wraps his arm around my waist and picks me up again, hauling my screaming, wiggling body over to the couch in the sitting room and dumping me back there. "Stay, Dana." Just to prove a point, he sits on my stomach so that I can't move.

"You know, I think it's cool that Zeus gave you two a house in Olympus. This is a nice place." Marcus comments, walking and casually and standing beside the couch like what is going on is perfectly normal. Which, I guess, it is.

I humph and wiggle around, pulling my shirt down to my knees in an attempt to hide my undergarments and shoving at Apollo with all my strength. To my extreme annoyance, he doesn't even budge.

"I know. He wanted to keep Dana close in case she goes rogue" Apollo answers, not even bothering to look down at me as he gets comfortable, slinging an arm across the back of the sofa. "But yeah, it's nice. When you become a Titan you can get your own place. Just pretend to go rogue, like Dana did for Halloween. Not as convincing, though."

"Yeah. You scared us all, Dana. We thought you were seriously bent on raising Cronus" Marcus says, leaning over the back of the couch to look at me.

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