Chapter VII: A Loss of Heavens

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            "Hera." My voice echoes around the room, silencing even the roaring thunder outside. If I were to drop a pin in the room, it would ring loud and clear in this silence, and doesn’t stop, stretching on, the gods’ emotions changing like the tide. So are mine, to be honest.

Poseidon is the first my eyes are drawn to. He goes from surprised to a small, secretive smile as he watches me and nods with approval. All the rest of the men look stupefied, as if Hera is a bug they never thought would have been chosen. Aphrodite's outrage shines clear through her pink tinged cheeks, while the rest of the goddesses look astounded. Athena nods her head like it's a good choice and she expected it, and Zeus' eyes widen like someone just called him out on a bluff. Apollo doesn't look surprised, probably because I told him when we were in Heraklion that I would save her if I could only save one of them. But it's Hera's facial expression that gets to me the most. Her eyes widen in disbelief and her mouth opens slightly, staying like that for a moment before she shuts it and blinks, breathing in deep.

"Are you certain, Dana?" Zeus asks, choking on his words as he leans forward. "Absolutely certain of your choice?"

"Yes" I answer, knowing then that I am absolutely certain. Hera is the one goddess who would be responsible as the last Olympian, and she'll make sure to control me, the last Titan, if my mortal wishes are selfish. "Hera is the one I want."

"Alright. Now, to ensure that our powers continue on, Olympians, we will name her our successor" Zeus yells, thumping his fist as his eyes flash along with the thunder outside, barely containing his disappointment.

All the gods and goddesses in the room sit up straighter, their voices twining together. "We name you, Dana Logan, immortal Titan, as our successor to receive our powers and responsibilities if we are to fade."

An electric shock jolts me, sending sparks or agony shooting through me, making me hiss in pain and drop my forehead to the table. Pain flares throughout my whole body, traveling from my chest to my toes and head before slowly fading to a throb before diminishing completely. When it's gone, I don't know how I feel. I mean, I feel different, stronger, but I still feel like me. I don't feel like a Titan. But I do feel immortal. I feel like I won't die, like I could survive anything other than what another god or Titan could impose on me. Slowly raising my head off the table, I notice most of the gods looking towards Zeus now, or with their eyes closed. It strikes me weird. Why are they all avoiding looking at me?

Zeus nods towards me. "You may go now. We have things to discuss."

"Wait, I can't stay?" I ask, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Zeus shakes his head gruffly but doesn't look at me. "No. We will discuss war tactics. You will not be fighting, you will be standing at the top of the hill with Hera, so there is no reason for you to stay. But I will send someone to get to you when we are done."

I huff, growling softly and getting up. Gazing around at everyone, all of them avoiding looking at me, I shake my head and walk out of the room. Closing my eyes, I think hard, imagining my room. No, wait. The gardens. The air changes from the warm inside air to a cool night breeze and the scent of rain. Soft rain that splatters on my skin in tiny droplets. I smile and open my eyes to a garden full of multicoloured plants and exotic trees. The smell is so fine, such a sweet flowery smell, mixed with honey.

Seeing a pool of water in the middle of the garden, I walk over and gaze down into it. It occurs to me why none of the gods would look at me. I look... Otherworldly. My black hair shines eerily like the blackness of the night sky, and my eyes, a sapphire blue deeper than they have ever been. My eyes changed color. That’s a bit strange. But it's my complexion that has me. My normal tan mixed with paleness is nearly gone, leaving my skin only with softly tanned skin, nearly glowing like the desert underneath the afternoon sun. I am beautiful. I am... a Titan now. I never would have believed it was me if I weren’t staring at myself.

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