Chapter 23

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Dean's POV

I stood there holding Becky like a deer in headlights while Paige was just staring at me with pain in her eyes. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. I watched as Paige turned an ran away down the hall. I put Becky down and ran after Paige. "Paige wait...please come back...let me explain." It was no use I saw her disappear down the hall. I slugged the equipment cases next to me and collapse against the wall, sliding down to the floor. I couldn't believe what had just happened. It all happened so fast. I needed to talk to Paige. I pulled myself up and started toward the hall that Paige had gone down. "Mr. Ambrose, can I speak with you please." It was Stephanie. I forgot I was suppose to meet with her. I really didn't want to deal with any of her crap right now. I turned to face her with a smile on my face. "Sorry Step...uh Mrs McMahon. I was just about to head to your office. What can I do for you?" I said with as much fake enthusiasm as I could muster up. "We have a new storyline with you and Becky. It will be a love story." She explained to me. "Yes ma'am Becky informed me." I replied running my hands through my hair. "Well she left my office before I got a chance to tell her all the details." She continued. "Details?" I asked her confused. "Well you see here's the thing. We all know how the Dolph and Lana storyline went. We try to keep the fantasy of this being a real show and real storyline. You know to keep the audience guessing if it is real or not." I nodded and crossed one arm around me and brought my hand on the other arm up to mouth and nervously started biting my thumb nail. I was worried where this was going. "So this is what is going to happen. We need the audience to believe you are together. So that means you will be traveling together and staying in the same hotel room and even be seen in public at events such as baseball games, award shows, and maybe even private events like parties and maybe a trip to the local pub." I stood listening to what she was saying and opened my mouth to ask something. "Now don't worry you won't need to publicly show your romance except maybe a small kiss here or holding hands there-" "Wait now hold on." I interrupted her. "We have to kiss? Steph I have a girlfriend. You know what she has been through. I can't do this to her." I pleaded with her. "Mr. Ambrose, I am sorry ,but this is what is best for business." I sat there stunned as she walked away. What was I going to do? Paige would never understand this. I already have explain the locker room situation to her. I ran my fingers through my hair again and started making my way toward Paige.

Paige's POV

I couldn't believe what I had just seen. The tears were completely falling down my face now. I was so upset. I could barely see where I was going. I got Roman's door and knocked on it. After a few seconds the door opened. "Hey Paige." Roman said. His face went to concern when he saw my tears. "What wrong?" I ran into his room and collapsed on the couch crying hysterically. "Paige what's going on? What happened?" Roman asked running over to me. "Dean is cheating on me." I managed to choke out. "What? No. He would never do anything like that to you Paige." Roman tried assuring me. "I saw it with my own two eyes Roman. I walked in on them in his locker room." I explained to him. "There has to be an explanation Paige." He said trying to convince me.  "What explanation could possibly have for being half naked with Becky in his arms?!" I screamed at him. "Ok, calm down." Roman said raising his hands in defense. "Take a breath and explain to me everything that happened." I took a deep breath and started to talk. "Ok, I was heading to Dean's locker room, when I heard noises inside, so I cracked open the door a little and that's when I saw Dean just in jeans, nothing else and with Becky in his arms. They were staring into each others eyes. I don't think they even cared if thy got caught." I said slamming my fist into the couch. "OK what happened next?" Roman asked. "Well I didn't say anything and Dean just stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights. He knew he had been caught." I told him starting to feel the tears forming again. "Paige-" "You know this isn't the first time either." I interrupted him. "Wait...what?" Roman asked confused. "Ya I found Becky in his locker room last night too and she said Dean had 'helped her' with something." Wow can I really be that naive to be played for a fool again?" There was knock on the door. "Hey Ro you in there? Hey man I need to talk to you. I messed up." I heard Dean say from the other side of the door. "Uh....ya man just a second." Roman told Dean while motioning for me to hide. I got up and went in the back by a row of lockers. I heard Dean come into the room. He started pacing back and forth. "Roman, man I don't know what I am going to do. I messed things up really bad with Paige. I don't even know what happened. He told Roman. "Let's go take a walk." Roman suggested to Dean. I heard them leave. I waited a few seconds and then came out of hiding. Why did Roman leave? Now I can't hear what Dean was going to say. I thought to myself.          

Roman POV

I sat there listening to everything Dean was telling me. It made sense, but so did what Paige was saying. I just didn't know what to believe. "Roman are listening to me?" Dean asked me tearing me from my thoughts. "Ya I am listening." I told him trying to remember the last few things he has said. "So what should I do?" He asked me. "You need to just give her a little space right now." I told him. "Space? Roman I didn't do anything wrong. I just need her to understand that this whole thing was a huge misunderstanding." "Dean, you has Becky in your arms and you were half naked!" I said surprising myself with how blunt I was. "Just whose side are you on?!" He screamed at me. Before I could say anything he got up and left. Great now Dean's pissed at me. How did I get into the middle of this? I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I got up and started walking back to my locker room.  Paige was gone. Dammit I wanted to talk to her. I need to get this whole thing straightened out. I don't need my two best friends pissed at me. That's when I decided I needed to talk to Becky.

Dean's POV

I couldn't believe Roman. How could he think I would do anything like that to Paige. I opened the door to my hotel room and walked in. I threw my duffel bag on the bed and sat down. I laid back and let out a huge sigh. How could everything have gone to shit so fast? We were just so happy. Everything was perfect. Now everything has just blown up. I need to make things right with Paige. I need to make her understand that what happened with Becky was not what she thinks. I hurt her, something I never thought I would do. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started to call Paige. It rang once then went to voicemail. She was ignoring my call. I hung up and tossed the phone. Their was no reason for me to leave a message, she would most likely just delete it anyway. I stood up and stripped my clothes off and headed for the shower. 

Becky's POV

I was so excited I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I grabbed my luggage and headed for my room. I opened the door and heard the shower going. I saw Dean's bag on the bed. I sat on the bed and grabbed his shirt off the floor and smelled it. God he smelled so good. I got up and took my clothes off and went to the bathroom. I opened the door, climb into the shower and wrapped my arms around Dean. He jumped and turned around. "Becky! What the hell are you doing?" He yelled at me scaring me. "I'm sorry, it's just that we are suppose to be a couple." I stammered. "It's pretend!" He yells at me grabbing a towel to cover himself. "I know, but Stephanie said we had to keep up appearences." I said suddenly feeling very awkward. He grabbed a towel and tossed it to me. "Cover yourself up." "I'm sorry." I said starting to cry. I turned to walk away when Dean grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. "It's ok." He said embracing me and caressing my hair. I felt so safe in his arms. I smiled to myself as he left the bathroom and got dressed. 

Thank you everyone for all the love! 

Let me know what think about the story. 

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