Chapter 24

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Paige's POV 

I threw my phone down on the bed. I couldn't believe he had the gall to call me. I sat down on the bed and started taking my boots off. My phone rang again this time it was Roman. "Hey Roman what's up?" I said to him. "Just calling to check and see how you are doing." Aww that is so sweet. I thought to myself. I felt my cheeks get hot. " I am great." I told him with fake enthusiasm. He could hear it in my voice. "You know what you need?" Roman asked me. "What's that." I asked him wondering. "You need a night out with friends." He said. "I don't-" "Nonsense!" He said cutting me off. "I am on my way over be ready." He told me then hung up. I hung up the phone wondering what to do. I knew that Roman would be here. I sighed and decided to get ready. 

Roman's POV

I knocked on Paige's door. "Come in" she said from the other side. I opened the door and saw her digging threw her bag. She was wearing one of my wrestling shirts and a pair of ripped up jeans. I realized I was checking her out. I had never noticed how beautiful she was. I knew she was goof looking, but right now she looked amazing. I started thinking of Dean and how he would feel and instantly stop looking at her. I started feeling guilty. He might be being a jerk right now, but he did love her. I shook the feelings away. "Hey you ready?" She asked me. I smiled. "Yep lets go." We made our way out of the room and down to my car. "So who else is coming?" she asked me getting in the car. "I asked a few people, but no one could come, so it looks like its just us." I told her climbing in the drivers seat. I saw the look on her face. "Is that ok?" I asked her. "Ya, I just don't want Dean to- you know what? I don't care what he thinks. Lets go have some fun." She said with a smile. I started the car and headed for the club. 

Dean's POV

I heard Becky getting out of the shower. I felt so bad for her. I knew she liked me, but I love Paige. Tonight was going to be hard. Especially for Becky. We had to go to a local club and show that we were together. I didn't know if I was going to be able to go through with it. I started putting my boots on. "Ok I am ready." I heard Becky say quietly. I turned around and couldn't help, but notice how gorgeous she was. Her bright red hair flowing down her body. She was wearing a tight black midriff and a black sparkly mini skirt. I had to tear my eyes away. "Uh..ok lets go." I said leading the way out of the room. This was going to be a extremely hard night. In more ways than one. 

Becky's POV

Dean opened the car door for me and I climbed in. I was so nervous about tonight. I really liked Dean, but he was with Paige. He would never see me as anything more than a co-worker. Dean climbed in next to me and we headed for the club. 


Pagie's POV

We walked into the club and ordered some drinks. I grabbed my beer and sat down. "I don't think so." Roman said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the dance floor. "I told you you were going to have fun tonight." He said twirling me around. We danced and I actually started feel better and more like my old self. I just wished that I was here with Dean. It was nice with Roman though. I sat down on the bar stool and watched as he kept dancing. He was so goofy. I started looking at him and I noticed how sexy he was. It had to be the alcohol. I was getting pretty drunk. It was nice not to feel anything for awhile. 

Dean's POV

I pulled the car up for valet and got out to help Becky out. There was camera's flashing like crazy. I guess Stephanie had made the anonymous tip that we would be here. We made our way into the club and ordered some drinks. I had my arm around Becky and held her close. She looked at me and I knew she was nervous. I smiled at her and then led her to the dance floor. We started dancing and I actually  was starting to loosen up. I grabbed Becky's hand and spun her around right into me. I pulled her close so that our faces were almost touching. "Are you ready?" I asked her holding her tightly. She nodded while biting her bottom lip. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. Her lips were so soft. I caressed her back and deepened the kiss. I loosened my grip on her and we pulled apart. I saw her eyes sparkle in the lights from the club. She smiled at me and I held her hand as we both made our way to the bar. "I hope that was ok?" She told me pulling herself on the stool. "It was perfect." I told her putting my hand on her knee. She smiled and I ordered the drinks. I handed Becky her drink when I saw a familiar face on the other side of the bar. It was Paige. She looked gorgeous. She was sitting on the stool watching someone. I glanced over to see who she was staring at so intently. To my surprise I saw Roman dancing. That's nice I thought to myself. He brought her out to have some fun. Then I watched as Paige climbed off the bar stool and started dancing with Roman. Roman put his arms around her and Paige let him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing she wrapped her arms around his neck and they start slow dancing. I started to feel my blood boil. I felt a small hand touch my arm and I jerked it away. I turned around and slammed my fist into the counter. This time Becky wrapped her arms around me and I accepted it. I grabbed both of her hands with my one hand and started caressing her arm. She let go and I turned around and crashed my lips into hers. This time the kiss was rough and passionate. I felt myself getting turned on. That's when I realized it was time to go. I grabbed Becky's arm and led her out of the club. I realized I was too drunk to drive so I hailed a cab. After we got into the cab Becky seemed different around me. I went to grab her hand and she pulled it away. "What's wrong Becky?" I asked her kinda slurring my words. "We don't have to pretend in here." She said kinda sadly. I leaned over to kiss her when she puts her hand up to stop me. "What's the matter?" I asked her pulling myself back up. "You're drunk and I know you saw Paige and Roman in there. Everyone did." I felt my blood start to boil again. "Dean, I think it's better that we just head back to the hotel." She told me with a smile. "I think you need to just sleep it o-" "What the hell do you know?" I snapped at her. I saw her jump an instantly felt like an ass. I reached for her and she pulled away. "I'm sorry Becky, I am just so damn angry." I said slugging the car door. "Dean!" I heard Becky yell. 

Becky's POV

I couldn't believe how he was acting. I had never seen him like this. All I wanted to do is comfort him, but that wasn't a very good idea with the condition he is in. I had to make sure he didn't do anything he would regret tonight. "Dean calm down." I told him. He held his head in his hand. He was really drunk. "I'm sorry Becky." "I just am so angry and confused." He told me grabbing my hand. The cab pulled up to the hotel entrance and I climb out. I helped Dean out of the cab. He was able to walk with support from me. We finally made it to our room. We walked in and I helped Dean onto the bed and took his boots off. "Becky?" Dean called out to me. "Yes.." I answered him. "I really am sorry." I should have never done that." "I care about you." Then I heard snoring. "Dean? Dean?" I called out to him. He continued to snore. I guess he had passed out. I walked over to the chair and sat down. I grabbed my phone. It was 2 a.m. I got up and walked over to my bed and laid down thinking about the nights events. Could I really go through with this? I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep. 

I am so sorry it's been so long since I updated. As you all know my son was hospitalized for septic shock. Well he had to be re hospitalized and that is why I haven't been able to do anything til now. He is out of the hospital and doing much better. Sorry for all the personal stuff, but I thought some of you might want to know. 

So what did you all think of the new chapter? Let me know and don't forget to vote and comment :)  I will hopefully get started on the new chapter right away.  :) :) 


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