Chapter 8

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A/N: Enjoy the chapter! Personally, I think chapter 8 is really cute, so you're welcome. Tell me what you think!

"Mary, would you like to come back to my house for the night?" I say, as we're walking down the street. We just finished our picnic and I helped her clean up. "What are ye saying lass? Ye want to sleep with me?" Mary asks, sending me that damn smirk. "You know what I mean pervert." I tell her, laughing. "I would love to spend the night with ye lass. One day we'll have to go t' me ship for the night, it's a lot more private." She says with a wink. Even now that I know James is truly Mary, she's still exactly the same. I roll my eyes but feel my face heat up. I decide as payback for that comment, I'm mess with her a little bit. I grab her bandana out of her hands and run.

I run towards the beach, and she chases me the whole way. When she finally catches me, I'm already in the sand. She tackles me and we both fall to the ground. She pins me to the sand, but I reach up and tie her hair back. I use my sleeve to wipe the color off her lips, but then lean up to give them a quick peck. She accepts it, but I guess it wasn't enough for her. She leans down and catches my lips in another kiss. This one is longer and somehow sweeter, and I enjoy every moment of it. When she pulls away she just smiles, and I smile back.

She gets up and holds out her hand to me. I grab it and hoist myself up, then I start to wipe the sand off of myself. "Let me help ye with that" Mary, who is dressed back up as James, says and wipes the sand off my bottom. I playfully smack her and then do the same to her, but she looks as if she wasn't expecting that. I smile innocently at her, and we laugh. It seems that the smallest things are funny to us, and when we're together the world feels so much happier than it truly is.

When we get to the cottage, Mary holds the door open for me. She says "M'lady." And pretends to tip a hat at me. I just giggle a little and curtsey, and we walk in the door. The house is unusually quiet, so I assume that Mark went out to the tavern with Bennet. I look at Mary, and say "So what do you want to do?" I hadn't really thought about what we would do, because it's almost too early to go to sleep and I'm not tired at all. "Why don't ye show me the painting ye were workin on?" Mary asks me, but I hadn't told her the full extent of what the painting was. Luckily I was just working on the background and hadn't started on her face. It was an abstract version of her, but when I first started I thought it would be of James. Learning that Mary is Mary, I think I'll paint her both ways. On one side of her face she'll be tough and fearsome, representing her James side. On the other it will be her as I see most often, laughing and looking beautiful while doing so. "I guess, but it's a bit embarrassing" I say chuckling a little. I usually don't paint people I know, but Mary inspires me.

I grab her hand and we make the extremely short walk to my bedroom and open the door. My easel is set up in the corner, so we walk over and Mary looks at the painting. "Who will this be, in the middle?" She asks, curiosity lacing her voice. I look down and blush a little, and say quietly "You." I know she hears me because when she turns to look at me, her face is filled with gratitude and something else I can't place. She puts her hands on either sides of my face and leans in for yet another kiss.

By far this is the most passionate and feeling-filled kiss we've shared tonight. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her as close to me as I can. We stumble backwards until my knees hit my bed and she falls on top of me. We stay like this for a while, our lips moving against one another and laying on my bed. After a while, we both pull away for air.

"Thank ye lass." She says, nuzzling her head against my neck. We hear the front door open, and we both sit up. We can hear Mark and Bennet talking, and we listen to their conversation. "She just seems so happy, and it makes me feel good seeing her like that. I haven't seen her that happy since, well you know." Mark says, and I have to keep myself from crying. He's talking about when Evelyn, my sister and best friend, killed herself five years ago. The whole family never knew why and we were all devastated. But devastated doesn't start to explain how I felt. I was fifteen, and she was eighteen. We did everything together, and she was the one who taught me how to play violin, and how to sing properly. She introduced me to Shakespeare and the wonders of painting. She told me stories her husband, a privateer, told her whenever he came home from the seas.

"I know mate, and James is quiet a riot." Bennet says, laughing. "That he is. But he should know if he hurts Jane, I will kill 'im" Mark responds. He laughs a little when he says it, but you can tell his words hold a bit of truth. At the comment, I feel Mary stiffen a little, and I try to contain my laughter. The look of worry on her face is so adorable that I just have to kiss her. I realize how many times we've kissed this evening and I remember that we just admitted we liked each other. It just feels so right and natural. I don't know what we are, if we're courting or if we're just seeing each other, or what. But I don't care. I love Mary's presence and as long as we will be together, not much else matters.

Our lips touch again and again, and I go to flip Mary over so I'm on top of her. But, being my clumsy self, I fail. I end up knocking my lamp off my nightstand, and it crashes to the ground. It doesn't sound like it breaks, but Mary and I have no time to jump apart before my bedroom door is opened. Mark and Bennet look in, and you can see the looks of shock, and then amusement, that crosses their faces. Mary and I jump apart, and we both go bright red. Bennet and Mark proceed to start laughing hysterically. After a minute or so of this, Mark turns to Bennet and says "You owe me 75 Reales." Bennet groans playfully and says "You guys couldn't have waited a week?!" Bennet looks to us, smiling. Bennet hands Mark the money, and then Bennet says "Well Mark and I are going to drink some rum and then go to bed, don't keep us up." Winking, they shut the door and leave.

I groan and lay back on my bed. I can't believe the first time Mary and I are in the house kissing, we get caught. Mary leans back with me and laughs a little, but then turns to me. "What was Mark talking about earlier? About the 'I've haven't seen her happy since, you know'?" She asks me. It's probably about time I told her, because it does have a lot to do with who I am today. I tell her all about Evelyn, truly everything. I don't see the sense in hiding any of it. When she hears this she saddens, and then whispers to me, "I'm sorry lass. I wish I could have met her, you speak so highly of 'er." She than looks at me, and pecks my lips. Once she pulls away, she yawns and I giggle. "You seem tired. I am too-" and I cut myself off by yawning. She laughs at me, and gets up. "Do you want something to sleep in?" I ask her "I'll be fine lass, as long as ye don't mind me taking off me bandages..." she says, almost sounding embarrassed. "Of course I don't mind, I can help you take them off." I say, sounding more confident than I feel. I want to help her because, first of all, I want to prove that I don't mind the fact she's a woman. And I know this sounds silly, but I also want to help her so I can make sure she isn't hurting herself by wrapping them too tightly. I know that if a corset is put on too tightly it can hurt and make it hard to breathe, so I can't imagine what bandages around your chest feels like.

She blushes, so I come over and help her take her coat off. When her coat is off, I grab the hem of her shirt and pull it off. When her shirt's off I go behind her and find where the bandages begin. I unwrap them slowly, and when they're finally off I hear her sigh in relief. There are slight bruises on her back and I assume that they go all around. I lightly trace them, and I feel goosebumps rise on her skin. She turns around and looks at me, and I just give her a slight peck. "You're beautiful..." I whisper as I help her put her shirt back on.

I put on a simple nightgown and we crawl into bed. We embrace each other and that's how we fall asleep, wrapped up in our own little world.


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