Prolouge Part Two

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A blood curling cry rose above the screaming children.

I ran out of the hovercraft, and froze. But it wasn't because of the destruction. District 12 had been bombed before, so it wasn't like anything was new. It was because there was a shiver down my spine, followed by a small voice in my head telling me not to go. The cry rose again, and I finally woke up from my subconsciousness. My legs moved before I even knew what they were doing, and slowly picked up into a fast jog. The girl who was screaming was my new priority. I settled down next to her, and did a quick exam.

It was hard not to ignore the dead body laying next to her.

   I shook my head, and looked to the girl again. She had a possible concussion, bruised eye, and some scratches and cuts. But worst of all, she had a severe dislocated shoulder.
" This is going to hurt," I said gently.
" 1,2,3".
In an immediate action, I thrust down her shoulder, and almost lost the hearing in my left ear from the noise coming from her mouth. It returned, thankfully. She started to shiver violently, so I wrapped my winter coat around her.

" Prim"?

I looked around, but saw nobody. I shook my head, and wrapped the coat tighter around her.

" Prim? Primrose Everdeen"?

I froze, as I heard the voice that was so familiar. The voice that had sang for me when I had a nightmare. The voice that volunteered for me. The person that was there when nobody else was. Katniss Everdeen. I looked up, and saw my sister. Her grey eyes looked frantic, and she looked so thin, I could see her bones through her military clothing.
"Katniss..." I said, but no words came out.

But then the second set of bombs exploded, and the last thing I saw was the sky.

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