Chapter 3

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As we walk out of the house, I made sure to get clothes for her. I knew the exact place to take her.

"Come on, follow me. I know the perfect place." She follows me through the woods. 10 minutes go by and we finally reach the spot. She runs into the middle of the clearing and rolls around in the grass.

"Hahah, guess you need to run huh?" I chuckle and sit down in the grass. She runs up to me and stops a foot away and sits. She's looking at me with her head tilted and her tongue hanging out. I must say, it's very cute. She looks at the clothes and barks.

"You wanna change?" I ask and she's nods her big wolf head up and down. I hand her the pile and point over to a bush at the edge of the clearing. "Go over there and don't go to far."

I need to find out more about her. And if she is part of a pack.

She comes back and silently takes a seat in front of me. "What's your name?" She asks in a soft voice. "My names Kylie Thomas, but I prefer Ky. What about you?" I ask her while looking at her green eyes.

"My name is Morgan summers." She says in a shy voice. Hmm..she definitely can't be an Alpha if she speaks like that. But I though I'd ask anyway. "Morgan, are you part of a pack?"

She looks down and nods. "Yes..I'm the Omega."  I nod and look at her arm. "Is your arm ok?" She looks surprised I asked and nods. She looks like she wants to say something though.

"Are you a vampire?" She asks timidly. "Yes I am. But don't worry I don't bite unless I'm mad." I say smiling with my fangs showing. She looks a little scared of me. It's understandable though.
Morgan's POV

This vampire girl is a little scary with her fangs out, it's a little hot too, but don't tell her that.

Damn Morgan keep it in your pants. She's a vampire you know our pack doesn't like them. Plus they already hate us enough.
My wolf says too me. My wolfs name is Lilly. And she doesn't trust a lot of people.

I growl at my wolf. Oh hush up I'm not going to do anything with the Vamp plus I doubt she's gay. And I know the pack already hates me you don't need to keep reminding me.

Ky raises her eyebrow at me. She heard me growl. I blush and quietly say I was just growling at my wolf. She nods understandingly.

"By the way, your wolf is very beautiful." She says to me smiling, her fangs now gone. Making me blush even more. "Thanks." I say with a small giggle.

"Who would've thought a big mean vampire would be sweet to a wolf." I say giggling. I hear a snarl and look up. She's glaring at me. Uh oh...I think I hit a nerve. She tackles me to the ground and bares her fangs at me.

"You don't know me! You can judge me. Your kind is why my family is the last ones left in this area!" She snaps at me. My wolf whimpers and so do I.

"I'm sorry please don't hurt me." My wolf growls at me for being so weak, but I can't help it she has the power to kill me if she wants.
Idiot! So do you! My wolf growls. Oh no. My wolf is surfacing. I end up growling at Ky and shaking her off of me. Geez this girl has anger problems.

"Stop!" I growl at her. She just snarls at me. "I didn't mean it like that. You're right, I don't know you at all. But I would like to."

She glares at me and starts walking in the direction back to the house. I follow her since I don't know where I am.

We make it back to the house and as soon as we get inside she's slams me against the front door. And has her face a mere 2 inches from my face. She smells so vanilla. My wolf starts going crazy and I have no idea why. I can't tell if she's hating this or loving it and I don't want to find out.

"K-Kylie.." I say shakily. "What." She says seemingly angry."

"T-Thank you for s-saving me." I say quietly, looking down. She lets go of me and walks to the couch. "Don't thank me. Come sit and just relax."

The picture is Morgan's wolf, Lily.

I hope you like the story, if you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment :)

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