Chapter 9

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I open the door and sniff to make sure nobody is here but I smell another vampire in the house. Shit.
There's another vamp, be prepared.

Gee thanks Lily for the heads up. Just then a tall guy walks out while eating chips. He turns the corner and looks up and sees me and jumps while dropping the chips. "Damn you scared the shit outta me!"

I just stood there frozen, not know what to do. He then looks down to Kylie that's still passed out in my arms. He rushes over and growls, "What happened!" And he tries to take her from me.

But for some reason Lily didn't like that and she tried to take control. "Don't touch her!" Lily shouted out.

He stepped back confused and started at me. "Hey you're the girl she hit with her car!" He started chuckling.

I'm beyond confused at this point. "And how do you know that?" I ask.

"I was in the car with her, I'm her brother by the way." He says and he goes and sits on the couch. He seems oddly ok with all of this.

He looks over at me still standing near the door. "What happened?" He asked.

I shift from foot to foot, " friend sorta attached her but she only got hit in the back of the head, nothing too serious." He nods and points behind him down the hall.

"Her room is down the hall on the left you can put her in there if you want." He says before putting the tv on.

I nod and walk towards her room. I look around and there are posters everywhere. It's cute, and it fits her.

I walk over to the bed and lay her down. I study her face and reach and move her hair out of the way.

She's so beautiful.

She's so hot.

I roll my eyes at Lily, chill you perv.
I study her face one last time before I walk out of the room and to where her brother is. "She's laying on the bed, I don't know when she'll wake up."

He slightly turns his head to me, still watching the tv. "Ok, she'll probably wake up on the next hour or two, feel free to stay if you want."

I choose to stay and I go sit on the couch and watch tv with him. "What are you watching?"

He looks over shocked that I don't know what it is. "Supernatural duh!"

I shake my head and stare at him. "Wait so you watch a show about the supernatural when we are the supernatural?" And he just nods. "Ok just wanted to be sure."

We watch the rest of the episode and an hour later I decide to go check on Kylie.

As I get up her brother says, "You might want to grab a blood bag out of the fridge, she might be a little moody."

I go get the blood, gross. And walk into the room and see she's still asleep. I sigh and sit on the bed. I close my eyes and all of a sudden I'm on the floor with Ky holding me down.

Her eyes are completely black, and she's staring down at me. I whimper and Lily isn't helping because all she's doing is saying... so hot! Ohhhhh she's so sexy, and yummy! Oh she can take me anytime she wants!

I roll my eyes mentally, seriously Lily, really not the time right now.

"You smell so delicious..." Kylie says while staring at my neck. "I bet you taste delicious too." Welp I just blushed beet red.

"K-Kylie, t-there blood on the table." I say quietly.

She leans down and whispers in my ear, "Maybe another day we'll find out."
And she jumps off me and gets the bag and chugs all the blood.

Her eyes go back to normal and she looks at me blushing. "I uh..I apologize for what happened there..I was kinda hungry and lost it a bit.

And then she remembers what happened and growled at me, "What are you doing here, go be with your friend who loves to attack me."

Lily whimpers in my head. We really need to talk to Jess. I get up and walk to the door, and turn around and study her. "You're welcome for bringing you here." And I turn back around and leave.

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