Chapter 10

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We really need to talk to Jess. I get up and walk to the door, and turn around and study her. "You're welcome for bringing you here." And I turn back around and leave.
Kylie's POV

Morgan leaves and a small part of me wants to run after her and apologize and thank her but I'm far too prideful and stubborn, since her friend is the one that did this to me.

I walk out of my room heading towards the living room and notice my brother lounging on the couch watching tv.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while walking into the kitchen.

My brother turns around with a smirk on his face. "Why I was just relaxing when a certain wolf girl came in with an unconscious you." He says while walking over to me.

I roll my eyes and take out my phone, preparing to send an apology text to Morgan.

"Care to explain how you ended up in the care of a wolf?" Nick asks leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Long story. Her friend attacked me and knocked me out so she brought me here. Hmm..guess it wasn't that long of a story." I shrug looking down at my phone.

To: Wolfie
From: Fangs
I am sorry for how I acted towards you. Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.

Morgan's POV

To: Wolfie
From: Fangs
I am sorry for how I acted towards you. Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.

I sighed looking down at my phone. She always leaves me confused. Anyways..I need to go find Jess.

She will pay. I will make her pay for what she did!

Chill will you? Jess is still our friend you know. I roll my eyes and head towards Jess, James and I's hang out place.

I wish I knew why Jess got so mad about Kylie and I wish I knew how Kylie felt or at least knew what she thought. Oh is never that easy.

When I finally reach BirdLeaf Cafe I know  that James and Jess are already here, they always are. I walk in and spot them at a both in the back right corner of the dimly lit cafe.

I slowly walk over and sit next to James, across from Jess.

Shit she looks upset. She's practically glaring at me while James is awkwardly sitting quietly.

Screw her. We should be the only upset ones here. She has no right.

"Jess. We need to talk." I start off the dreadful conversation.

She huffs and rolls her eyes before looking out the window. "I have nothing to say. I'm not going to apologize to her."

Lily growls in my head, and for some reason she is itching to gain control.

Lil, quit it. I'm trying to keep this a civilized conversation. "Jessica what you did earlier is not okay. You can not just attack someone. And I'd like to soon count Kylie as a friend and I don't want that ruined."

Jessica's eyes glow for a second before they go back to normal. "Why would you even want to be friends with someone like her?"

""Someone like her"? What as in vampire? Well guess what she saved me from Derek's pestering since he was becoming persistent and demanding. So that is someone I want to be friends with." I say, my voice sounding tense.

Jessica and James look somewhat surprised at what I just told them. James was the one to comment on it though. "What do you mean? We saw Kylie carry you off into the woods. Jessica thought she was going to attack you because you looked scared." He said looking apologetic.

I sigh and drop my head into my hands. "She protected me from Derek and then she started losing control and I guess she just brought me with her by accident. She wasn't planning on hurting me."  I lift my head to look at Jess. "Why are you so against her?"

She sighs and shakes her head. "I'm not sure why...I was thought to fear and be weary of vampires..I just don't want to see you getting hurt Morgan.....I'm sorry." 

I go around to the other side of the booth and hug her. "Just please give her a chance. She's really sweet...I think..I don't know..I haven't really gotten to talk to her for very long without being interrupted."  I plead to Jess.

James buts his hand over mine on the table while he says, "We are with you and we support you." Jess then puts her hand on top of his. I look up at her and she nods. A smile breaks out on my face. Maybe things will start to turn out good for once.

Morgan...your pack is looking for you...

My smile dropped once more. Oh no.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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