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Jungkook pov

I can't believe it I have Hannah as my girlfriend. I still can't believe it. She's became the hot popular girl at school. Although she's not a bitch or slut. She is the opposite, she's loving, kind, gentle and beautiful. The other girls who are popular well they count dicks instead of sheep to get them to sleep.

A week away from the big show and the dance is completed and its brilliant, we are working on control and strength as she likes to call it. We decided to dance to thinking out loud by Ed sheeran as this is a couple dance.

Personally I wanted something else but I suppose that song fits better with the dance. I let Hannah figure out costume and the theme. I can't be bothered with that shit. But she's doing pretty well and most importantly she's happy.

She's so happy since me and her became one. She's more bubbly and honestly this is a good side of Hannah that I just love.

I'm glad to see this side of her and I think everyone else is happy too. I don't think anyone has seen this side maybe Jamie but that was a long time ago.

Jimin POV


Why didn't I just go for it instead of wasting time? Well am gonna make jungkook jealous. He's been a massive dick to me since that locker incident even though it's been what a year? Year and a half?

Anyway when we headed for the competition and am gonna make him so jealous it will seem that me and Hannah are going out instead of her and jungkook. Call me evil and a creep but seriously I have never felt this way about anyone and Hannah is just...just perfect.

Hannah's POV

I was sitting in the dance studio with, Jamie, Leah and Lacey. They have all became close with me. I don't feel isolated anymore thanks to these guys. They seem To of pulled me through my dark time, I

"so Hannah, I like heard that u and jungkook were kissing in the classroom and like getting funky" Lacey laughed, she knew that they were lies but she said them anyway. She was always making things up to whined us up but we have gotten used to it that we just nod and go along with it.

"ah yes of course, it was a biology class room after all" Jamie said lifting her head from her phone.

"ya nasty hannah" Leah said through a uncontrollable laugh, she was the only one who worried me. Cause honestly I think she escaped from a asylum or some shit cause she freaking crazy.

"no no no haha oh guys a week left, am so nervous like so nervous that I'll freeze and muck it up" i
Nervously bit my lip then stopped remembering what Jungkook said.

"Hannah your a great dancer don't doubt yourself " Lacey said putting her hand on my shoulder. "you won't plus the light of your life kookie will be there haha"

I punched her arm softly as we started to laugh. Then all the BTS boys came in. They were smiling and laughing away and it made me smile seeing them all this happy.

"were gonna practice, I hope you don't mind ladies" said j hope as he bowed. He's such a weird ass gentleman.

"of course, we will watch and tell you guys what you need to improve on" Jamie said as she looked at suga through out the dancing. after about a good hour, it was time to leave school.

"you guys are great! We are going to win this! " Lacey said jumping about like butter after she found treats.

"I hope so sweetie" rap monster said kissing her cheek. They make quite a cute couple.

"Hannah " jungkook shouted to me, over by the mirrors.

"yeah darling?" I joked and I got a chuckle from him.

"you wanna practice our dance?" he asked as I walked over to him.

"of course!" I plugged my phone in and brought up my music playlist. I clicked the song and rushed over to Jungkook getting into position.

The music played and I was so into the dance. The melody of the song made my body flow perfectly like a drop of rain falling into the river. I was one with the dance.

Our bodies were like that were meant to be. The leaps, jumps and kicks made the dance more perfect as we put as much passion and force into the dance.

Once we finished we heard a applause and we forgot everyone was still here. We stood back up properly and laughed at there reactions. My cheeks heated up with embarrassment, I felt pleased with our dance.

"I'm crying damn it!" Lacey exclaimed wiping her tears away from her eyes.

"it's so...beautiful" Jamie said coming up to me and hugging me, moving her finger down her cheek pretending it was a tear.

After the congratulations, jimin came over to me while I was grabbing my bag and phone from the side lines.

"that was very impressive, you are very flexible and shit" he said with a huge smile on his face. "I wish it was us that was dancing, think it would be better I mean I got da moves hahaha"

"hahaha oh well and thank you" I smiled and I was feeling slightly uncomfortable but I just tried to shrug it off. He then places his arms around me shoulders and side hugged me.

"seriously we would make a good team" he said, before he joined suga and Jamie, he kissed me on the cheek and joined them.

I noticed he was looking at kookie while he was doing this. Once he joined the others, kookie came over and started to make out with me, I opened my eyes at one point to see him looking straight into jimin s eyes before he left with the others.

"jealous?" I asked as I raised my eye brow in curiosity.

"no-no I just want him to know that..." he then came closer to my ear "your mine..." he whispered.

I became flustered and weak. He knew how to make me melt and it was my weak spots. Of course I knew his so, I shall get revenge.

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