Chapter 4

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Mason's POV
I am new to Tennessee, so I do not know what is there to do around here at all, so I got on the internet and looked things up, and I am wanting to find something because I am extremely bored, so I looked up and found that there is a lot of old fashion shops and everything around here so I went to walk to my brother's room "Hey can we go do something like just walk around the shops and stuff? I'm tired of being stuck in the house all day" I said hoping he would say yes and he just shook his head "Sorry Lil bro, I just called in to work because of a mishap and it will take me a while" he said as he was getting ready, he works as a business manager so he is on call like all the time and he knew I was upset "Listen, I know it sucks, and you miss it in Texas, but I promise you, you are making a right choice, it takes time" he said patting my back while he was walking out the door and I just grabbed my phone and just realizing I have no one to hang out with, but then I remembered I had Amy's number but it took a lot of consideration to text her but I broke down
M: Hey its Mason.
A: Oh hey what's up?
M: um not much, bored
A: Same
M: Would you like to walk around town with me? I am new here and I want to see the shops and stuff around here
A:Sure sounds like fun!
M: Okay, I will come pick you up in 15 minutes
M: unless you want me to get lost trying to find, but I do need your address?
After that she texted me her address and I decided to get dressed and sprayed some of my favorite cologne and went and got in my car and drove over to Amy which was not too far from where I live and I pulled into her driveway hoping I was at the right place so I got out of the car and went and knocked on the door and nervous like usual and then a girl with long dark hair answered it "Um hi" I said nervously "I am Mason and I'm here" and she cut me off "To pick up Amy?" She said with a smile and o just nodded "She's still getting ready so come on in" she said and I just followed behind her "I'm Lisa by the way" she said and I just shook her hand and she just gave me a weird look, it not a bad weird look, its like she's trying to figure out something and then Amy came down and she looked great "Hey!" She said while waving "Hi" I said "You ready to go?" I added while she nodded "See you later Lise!" She said as we walked out the door and I opened the passenger door for her and I walked over to my side and got in and started the car, and then I put on some music which I am in love with Country music so I played "I want crazy" by hunter Hayes and her eyes went wide "I love this song!" She said smiling which caused me to smile knowing that she loves country "Really?" I asked without taking my eyes off the road "Yeah my sisters and I covered this song" she said which surprised me "wait you're a band?" I asked and she just nodded "Yep" she said smiling and while starting to sing along to the song and she sounds amazing, I just let her sing the whole way to the shops because it just sounded really good so I finally got to the shops and went and opened Amy's door for her and she climbed out "Okay, so where you wanna go first?" I asked and Amy looked around "How about the that store" she said pointing at the store with all sorts of country stuff, like the cowboy hats, belt buckles, and stuff like that "Perfect" I said as we started walking over there and she walked straight to the belt buckles and looked at them and her eyes went really wide at one (see pic above) "Oh my gosh, I really like this one!" She said pointing at it which cause me to smile to how excited she got it is a pretty belt buckle tho but for some reason it was really expensive so she was kinda disappointed she couldn't get it but then we went on to the hats and I tried on a black one that I really liked and she just smiled "It looks really good on you!" She starting at me and I just winked which caused her to laugh and she tried on a white one "and that looks really good on you" I said and she just smiled and put it up and we decided to walk out of the store
Amy's POV
I am having a lot of fun with Mason right now, he starting to warm up even tho he is still being shy, but it was warm today and there was a inside frozen yogurt place and we both decided to go in there so we got our yogurts and sat down
"So" I said picking my spoon through my frozen yogurt and he just looked up at me "Yes?" He said with a smile, which is good to finally see his smile, because it is really attractive "Tell me about yourself" I said and he just made a thinking face "Alright, well I am from Texas" he said and I just nodded "Oh cool!" I said smiling "Um what about you?" He said in return "California" I said and he just nodded "Always wanted to go there" he said smiling and it making me so happy he is actually starting to talk to me, he is not being hesitant or shy but something is still up, he still has something on his mind like it is bothering him, but I still need to give him time, he is in a new place. After the frozen yogurt he took me home because it was getting late "Thanks for hanging out with me today" he said as he walked me to my door "No problem" I said smiling and he just looked down "Uh listen, I'm sorry that I seemed hesitant, I am just shy and" and I just cut him off "Hey don't even worry about it!" I said laughing I'm just really outgoing I said smiling opened my door "Have a good night" I said smiling as he smiled back and walked to his car and I have to say, he is different, in a good way.

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