Entry 13

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I getting tired of this shit.

I just wanted to barrow a little silver stylus that I shit you not, probably costs a dollar for a pack of three... anyway, I pick it up off the table and meme says that I cant have it because I didn't ask for it... -_-" So I ask for it. And guess what? She says I cant barrow it. I was like seriously? Its a one dollar stylus. And she was like, No... So I went to give it back and then she starts laughing and saying that she was just joking. You have got to be kidding me. Usually this sort of shit just goes over my head but all I wanted to do was draw on my tablet and she pulls this shit. I'm pissed off because this is the straw that broke the camels back. I fucking want out!! No I know why people murder each other. Because people like her antagonize people like me. I know she thinks she's being funny but shit... I cant be funny around her without getting a lecture on exactly why it isn't funny and when I'm already agitated is when she decides to antagonize me.

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