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Alice,Jake,Meghan, and Damon,
Everyone gets to California.
Meghan told the detectives everything she knew, about Shannon, Bryan, why they went or the fake reason anyway but it doesn't matter they were going to find them. Jake and Alice were sure of it so were Damon and Meghan. It was dark. They were driving to the house. Meghans heart pounding with excitement.
Damon bites his lip as they traveled. He was officially an adult and if they figured out what he had done to Skyler he could go to jail since Skyler was still a minor.
They stopped the car and all got out of it.
Alice and Jake walking up to the house.
Alice knocked on the door so did Jake.
The door was opened by Bryan.
A couple minutes earlier
Skyler's pov,
We have to leave. Since Meghan was gone we weren't taking any chances.
Bryan and Shannon would cover for us. We all made up a story.
More obviously happened with Meghan and Jeydon but it seemed as if he didn't want to talk.
All we got was stuff the would fit in our book bag.
We did have money but it wasn't much not enough for a hotel room but enough for food.
We got blankets.
We were going to be homeless.
The only way they wouldn't find us if we keep running. We can't go back now.
Who knows what Meghan and Damon told them.
We aren't taking any chances but the more days we were gone the farther the Amber alert had gone out.
Anyone could recognize us.
We all grabbed our bags, book bags to be exact and left.
Johnnie and Kyle went with us of course. Jeydon was there.
The four of us. That's it.
I wear my Hightower figuring that it will be the most comfortable shoes.
Everyone walks out the door. It's getting late we have to find the safest place to stay.. But that will be hard since we will have to be sleeping in the streets. We are walking out the back door and we hear a call pull up.
We stop and all look at each other.
"I'll go look.." Johnnie whispered and looked in the door and quickly backed away.
"We need to run. Now."
"But why-" Kyle said as he was adjusting his beanie.
"No time for questions just run!" He whispered loudly.
I looked at all of them and Johnnie jumps over the small fence and we all did the same, Kyle helped me jump over since I was small for my age.
We all ran into the city. Tons of lights and cars. I don't understand why we are running.
We all stopped once we were far enough from the house.
"Johnnie are you going to tell us what's wrong?"
He nods and was breathing heavily from running.
"Meghan and Damon were at the house with two other people." I had wide eyes hearing the name 'Damon.' Flash backs rushing back.
I shake my head.
Cars speeding past us by the second, it seemed as if it was windy but it wasn't.
"I'm sorry Skyler.." Kyle said and rubbed my back.
Jeydon was quiet he looked at Kyle with a glare. What was his deal?
"It's fine." I mumbled and moved away from Kyle's touch.
"Let's just find a safe place to stay."
I started walking the sidewalk. People walking past me. The others walking behind me.
Alice,Jake,Meghan, and Damon,
As Alice,Jake,Meghan, and Damon sat on the couch Bryan glared at Damon.
Shannon did the same but to Meghan knowing she betrayed them.
"May I help you?" Shannon said.
"Actually yes, we have a case of missing teenagers Named Jeydon Wale, Kyle David Hall, Johnnie Guilbert and Skyler Fower.. We have figured out that they have traveled from Virginia to California have you seen or heard from these teenagers?" Alice said and crossed her legs.
"I'm sorry but we haven't-"
"LIES!" Meghan yelled and stands up.
"I was here with them! I told you this is where they were!!" Meghan yelled louder and pointed to Bryan and Shannon, as she talked.
Jake had wide eyes so did Bryan.
"Hun I'm sorry but I haven't even meet you before?"
Shannon stands up and looked at Meghan.
Meghan laughs, "they must be here, search the house they are here!" Meghan stomped on the ground.
"Mrs.Marie please calm down you aren't in charge of this investigation. You are lucky that you are here." Jake said to Meghan and crossed his arms.
Meghan made a 'mad' face and ran upstairs running into all of the rooms. She screamed. They weren't in the house but their stuff was.
She ran downstairs, "their stuff is upstairs!"
Both Alice and Jake stood up.
Bryan and Shannon looked at each other.
Damon leaned back smirking.
Alice and Jake went upstairs. They looked through all of the suit-cases and found Kyle's ID.
Jake smiled and handed the ID to Alice.
"Hmm." Alice and Jake both went downstairs.
"Are you sure they weren't here because I think now we have Proof." Alice holds up Kyle's ID and Bryan sighed.
"I'm sorry but Bryan Stars and Shannon Taylor you are both are going to have to come to the station for questioning."
Shannon frowned and Bryan had a 'poker face'.
They all walked outside and got into the car and drove to California police station.
Skylers pov,
"Ugh my feet are getting tired." Kyle yelled and slouched.
"We haven't found a safe enough place to stay.." Jeydon said back to him.
I rolled my eyes, "let's just rest in the next alley we find."
Kyle nods and smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" Johnnie said to Kyle.
"Because my feet hurt like hell.."
It took a couple more minutes to find an empty alley but we found one. It wasn't the safest since we were still close to the house but it will be ok for us to rest for a little while. We all walked into it and set out a blanket.
Suspicious looking people walked through the alley and it was scary honestly.
I sat on the blanket so did the others.
Kyle sighed with relief and leaned his head on the wall. Jeydon sat next to Kyle and Johnnie was on the other side of Johnnie.
I was next to Jeydon and I laid on his lap.
Jeydon didn't look at me but I was looking at him.
I reached my hand up to his cheek and stroked it gently.
"What's wrong?.." I whispered and Jeydon looked down at me.
"If it wasn't for Damon we wouldn't be here in the first place.. I shouldn't have dragged you guys along.." He was talking to Kyle and Johnnie for the last part.
Johnnie looked at us, "it's fine, honestly I had some stuff happening in my old life so I was happy to leave.."
"I feel happy..besides the police chasing us. I feel free like I could do whatever I want. I'm just happy that I'm here with you guys than being alone Back at Virginia." Kyle said and smiled slightly.
Jeydon looked at Kyle and Johnnie and smiled a little.
"That means a lot guys thank you.."
I sit up seeing a group of people approach us.
I tap Jeydon's shoulder and he looked at the group standing up.
"Can I help you?" He once said as the group approached us and stopped.
"Actually you can.." A guy said and stands in front of us. He seemed like the leader, Jeydon must of been ours.
"You see you're in our territory..and everything in our territory is ours." He said smirking. He had a lot of tattoos. He had light blue eyes and a lip ring. He looked 25.
He had light brown hair.
"What are you?" I say standing up next to Jeydon.
He chuckles "good Question, Skyler."
How did he know my name..?
"We are what people refer to a 'gang'" he used air quotes as he talked.
Both Kyle and Johnnie stand up behind us.
"How do you know my name?"
"You guys are all over the news." Someone says from the group, wasn't sure who.
"You guys are wanted back to the police station as soon as possible.."
He smirked.
"But we are offering a proposal."
Jeydon crossed his arms, he didn't like the idea of this and honestly neither did I.

Away. ; Jeydon Wale AUWhere stories live. Discover now