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Here it Is the final chapter..idk. I just want to thank everyone who has read this story and has stuck through this long adventure.
Yes, this story is cheesy.. But I'm happy with it.
I just want to say thank you for reading it and voting for it and I'll see you next time bye reader . Enjoy c: 💖
4 months later..
Skyler's pov,
My shoes make the old wooden floor creek as I walk against them.
It's been two months and the police still haven't found me, I'm innocent but they don't know that.
They think that I'm not innocent.. Probably because I ran away and I'm with a gang.
"Ready?" Oliver had a bag over his shoulder.
Kyle was the same expect he had a penny board.
Jordan didn't have bag , Oliver and him were sharing.
The last four months we had been planning to get Jeydon back to us.
Once he comes back I'm going to tell him I how I feel. How much I love and care for him and I know my feelings are real. They have to be, I've never felt this way with someone.
Within these 4 months, Oliver has been more affectionate towards me. I'm beginning to question if he likes me or not. Hopefully no, because I don't feel the same. I didn't dare to ask him though, even though he's been more affectionate he's still the same guy, the guy who's a gang leader, The guy who kills and doesn't feel a thing when he does it. It was dark out, we figured out what hospital Jeydon was in. He was still in hospital. I never knew what happened to him next but I now know it wasn't good since he was still in a hospital.
I blink trying to get away from my questioning thoughts.
We walk out the door and it was snowing.
Kyle smiled and looked at me.
I smiled slightly and he had his arm wrapped around him.
"Come on brighten up Fower we are getting your mate back?" Kyle smiled and nudged my shoulder.
I chuckled, "yeah.. I'm excited to see him again." I smile thinking about us reuniting.
Oliver comes up next to us , so does Jordan.
I had to redye my hair back to brown so I wouldn't be as noticeable. ((Go to previous chapter for picture)).
The sun not even out. I had to squint my eyes since the snow was so bright. Snow was already on the ground.
The clouds covering the sun.
I sigh slightly and continue to walk.
It's going to take a couple days to get to the hospital, they took him to a California hospital but then they transferred him farther Away, but we will get to him.
As we walked, we were in a straight line. I was in the front but I wasn't sure who was behind me.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and the person came up next to me, it was
Snowflakes in his hair, it was very noticeable since he had brown hair.
"We will probably have to stay the night somewhere."
"No." I didn't look at him as I talked, I continued to look forward.
"Skyler we don't have a choice." Oliver said to me, his voice sounding more angry.
"I'm not, I'm going to find him tonight."
"You've waited 4 months you have to sleep and eat!" Oliver yelled, making me stop.
"STOP!" I yelled and turned towards him. My hands to my sides but now have turned into a fist, "God you're not my boyfriend so stop acting like one ok?!" I yelled, I had wide eyes as I did.
Oliver looked at me, "oh I'm sorry that I care about you? You know what fine. Fine! No sleep..I don't even know why I'm coming with you." Oliver mumbled the last part.
I started walking again. We weren't even walking for 30 minutes and we were already fighting.
This will be a long adventure.
3 hours of walking later ~
"Skylerrrr" Kyle groaned and was walking next to me now.
"Can we please
Take a break for a little while? It's getting late and I'm tired.."
It was now dark out, we started walking at 9:00(pm) and its now 12:00.
We were in the city now.
I sighed, my feet were killing me and I was tired.
"Fine.." I said quietly and I heard a chuckle from behind me. Probably Oliver.
We all checked into a crappy hotel, even more crappy than the base.
We got 2 rooms. Jordan and Kyle in one then Oliver and me in the other.
I hated how we arranged the room situation but Kyle didn't want to be with Oliver and I didn't want to be with Jordan.
I didn't want to be with anyone but that wasn't going to happen, 'I needed to have protection' that's what Oliver said.
I can protect myself but oh well.
We went into the room. The bed looked like the one I had when I first got involved with the gang.
I sighed and took off my shoes and flopped onto the bed.
"I guess I'll take the floor?" Oliver chuckled looking at him. I ignored him.
"This is the part where you say 'oh no I'll take the floor.' Then we both just sleep in the same bed." Oliver had a high pitched voice when he impersonated me.
I still ignored him.
"What's your deal?" He sat next to me.
I looked at him, "I'm mad at you for earlier today."
I didn't like how he cared about me, I hated when that happens.. I don't want to hurt him.
"Well I'm sorry then?" He lays next to me.
"Do you know why you're saying sorry?"
"Then...not accepted."
Oliver sighed and turned his body to me.
"Ok why are you mad then?"
I looked up at the ceiling but on the corner of my eye I saw him looking at me.
"Because.. You care."
He looked at me weirdly, a confused look.
"Ok.. Then I'm sorry for caring?"
"No you don't get it." I sit up as I'm talking and he does the same.
My feet dangling over the edge.
"Explain then." Oliver blushed slightly.
"I don't like how you care.. I'm sorry I don't want you to get hurt. If you care about me.. I-I must care to..but I can't feel it but I know it.." I look down. He looked at me, I could feel his stare.
"Can we try something?" Oliver scooted closer to me.
"I know you Skyler, I know you're craving me. I know you're craving a kiss from me or Jeydon. You love both of us." He whispered.
I had wide eyes and continued to look down.
Was what he was saying right? God I can't tell.
I looked up, his face inches away from mine.
"For tonight, let's say Jeydon isn't here..let's try it ok?" Oliver whispered to me.
I nod slowly.
God what am I doing?
Slowly his lips start to come to mine. I move closer to him. His lips touch mine finally and I kiss him back.
It was sweet, all of a sudden his arms wrap around me. I didn't want to stop, I see what he meant, I do crave him but I also crave Jeydon.
Oliver licked my bottom lip. He wanted entrance, I let him in.
His tongue messes with mine. He gasps for air, so did I and a salvia train connects our lips. He comes back and pushed me onto the bed.
The kiss more roughly he started to suck on my bottom lip, it made me moan slightly.
He takes off his shirt and I do the same.
My hands running through his hair.
I continue to kiss him, he starts to kiss my neck, leaving sloppy kisses down my neck and to my chest area. My body tingles.
"W-wait.." I say and Oliver stopped and looked at me.
"I-I can't do this.." I look at him and he grins slightly.
"You're so precious." He whispered and kissed my forehead.
I looked at him weirdly.
He was so sweet and gentle.
"Come on let's sleep, we have a big day tomorrow." Oliver leaned over me to turn off the lamp.
It was pitch dark and I could feel the bed move. He was getting up, I heard him take off something, he was taking off his pants.
I decided to do the same since the clothes I only had were the ones I was wearing. I got up and did the same and then slipped into bed. Now only wearing my bra and underwear, he was the same.
We were both on the bed, there wasn't any warm air in the room, the only air was freezing but yet I felt so hot.
I felt Oliver's hand poke my eye.
"Hey!" I said quietly.
"Sorry ! I was trying to do something else." Oliver said and chuckled.
I did the same.
I like Oliver, I don't think I love him. I care about him, it's like having a crush on someone in junior high.
Jeydon's different.
Oliver stroked my cheek, "you're so perfect.." Oliver whispered.
His hand wrapped around my waist. I felt his hand on my bare skin. His hand warm sending heat to my body, I scooted closer to him so I could get warm.
I quickly shut my eyes and fell asleep slowly, Oliver did the same.
We soon got up and both of us got dressed and went to Kyle's & Jordan's room.
We had all of our stuff packed and were already on our way.
It was nice we were all talking and having fun, like we were normal. A normal group of friends hanging out.
It was nice.
We had to continue walking for 8 more hours.
It was now dark out again ((sorry for the huge time skip)) we were all tired and soar but we had to continue. Finally we all got to the hospital.
My heart beating so fast.
Kyle and I look up at the rooms, lights off and some on.
We smile at each other and we both walk in.
Hopefully they won't recognize me. I'm not sure how badly I'm wanted.
We walk up to the counter, Jordan and Oliver followed.
Time seemed to slow down, everything in slow motion.
No one was in the hospital.
I walked up to the counter and the lady looked at me.
Stay calm.
"Visiting hours are over." The lady looked at me, she seemed friendly.
"Oh I'm boyfriend has been here for months and I just came to see him for the first time. Please may I see him?" I smiled and looked at the lady. The lady looked behind me seeing the others. She sighed "yeah sure but they stay here."
I nod.
"Jeydon Wale."
"Your name."
"Um.. Skyler Fower." The lady looked at me for a moment.
"Have you been here before? I've heard that name somewhere."
Did this lady just ask me that? Did she not hear me a moment ago?
"No. I've never been here."
She nods "oh ok sorry, he's on floor 4, room 212."
I nod and walk to the elevator.
I press the button and I feel it start to move.
This is it, this is the moment I'll tell him I love him.
I smile to myself, giving myself a prep talk.
The elevator dings and I walk out.
I walk down the hallway.
I see the room number
I breath and walk in, not even knocking.
There he is.
His eyes closed, he was hooked to a heart rate monitor. He was alive.
I knew it.
I smiled and I sat on his bed.
He groaned, "mom?.." He says and opened his eyes.
He looked at me.
"Jeydon!" I said quietly and hugged him tightly.
I start to cry, he hugs me back but not as tight as I hug.
"You have no idea how much I missed you.."
He was still quiet.
"Four month without you is.. Terrible."
I sniffle and wipe my eyes.
"Jeydon." I pull away and look at him, he was sitting up now.
"I'm here Because .. I want to say that I love you. I really love you." I lean forward to kiss him but then he pushed me away.
"I'm sorry but..who are you?"
I look at him and chuckle.
"What? You know who I am? Skyler?"
He looked at me again and backed away from me.
"No I've never meet a Skyler.. Well there was Damon's girlfriend but that's it."
I looked at him.
"What? No. I'm not even....Jeydon stop playing around."
"I'm not playing around. Seriously who are you?!" He started to get mad.
"Stop playing games! You know who I am!" I yelled and stand up.
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do!" I yell.
"I'm calling security."
"Wait no no stop."
Before I know it he has the phone in his hand.
I start to cry, "Jeydon please you know who I am."
"Hi yes.. There's someone in my room and I'm not sure who she is.." Jeydon looked at me and I saw disgust in his eyes. His expression said it all.
I cry harder. I have to leave, security will know who I am.
"Jeydon I love you-"
"Get away from me you psycho!" He yelled.
I looked at him with wide eyes, he seriously had no idea as to who I am.
I ran out of the room and there they were security.
One had wide eyes.
"That's the girl who shot Jeydon! GET HER!" I had wide eyes.
I ran down the stairs to the main floor.
"We have to go now!" I yell and everyone looked at me with wide eyes while the girl was now on the phone with police.
Sirens coming closer we all ran.
People chased after us.
We ran and ran, until we lost them. We all started breathing heavily.
"What happened in there?" Oliver said and looked at me.
I looked at everyone, I started crying.
"Jeydon h-he.. Doesn't love me."

Away. ; Jeydon Wale AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon