A Little Too Late

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Chapter 4
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Song of this chapter is: Rejects by 5 Seconds of Summer

"Wow guys." I say flabbergasted at the sight of the house.

It was surprisingly clean and organized. Ashton must have kept it this way. "I can't believe how big he is." Michael says to me an hour or two later in the kitchen because the four other boys went to watch a movie at the movie theater. "And how much he looks like Cal."

"I know right. God. He's almost four years old." I sigh.

Its almost been four years since he was born. Holy shit. I'll be twenty two in two months. "Melody. Can I. Can I tell you something?" He asks as I sit on one of the stools at the island.

"Go for it." I reply as he sits next to me.

"You need to give Calum another chance." He started. Before I could interupt him he kept going. "Mel, he has changed. He regrets the day he walked out on you. Shit we all do. But he did way more than any of us. I know what he did before wasn't great but he. He did something for you that you have no idea about. Most of our songs have been about you Mel." What the hell? "Especially Beside You."

"Oh." Is all I can manage to say. "Should I give him another shot Michael or should I let him suffer?"

He runs his fingers through his red hair. "Give him another shot. If he hurts you again then let him suffer. But let me tell you this Melody Quinn he won hurt you again. Or, erm, welp he shouldn't be able to hurt you again, unless he suddenly out of nowhere dies tomorrow. You'll be safe and sound. I promise." He explained.

I nodded my head and wiped away the tear that rolled down my cheek. "Honey we're home." Luke singsonged to Michael.

"Hey. I thought you were mine!" Calum cried out to Luke.

We all erupted into long waves of laughter. "Uncle Luke? Let me give my mommy a hug you little Dylan hogger!" Dylan yelled causing all of us to laugh again.

Luke had currently thrown Dylan over his shoulder and began running around. I would've honestly been scared if I was Dylan because Luke is like 90' 6". Luke put him down and he ran up to me and gave me a hug. As soon as Dylan got put to bed the five of us that were awake went into the living room and just talked. "So Mel, do you so anything other than designing clothes?" Ashton asked me.

Nosy, little shit. "I write songs and sing them." I answer honestly.
"Can you sing us one?" Michael asked.

(A/N: for this next part pretend that Melody wrote this song. I know its by 5SOS but still its a fanfic. Love you guys.)

"Erm. Yeah. This one is called Vapor." I waited a minute before starting to sing my song.

"I'll take what you've got got got

I know its not a lot lot lot

Cuz I just need another hit

You're the thing that I can't quit

You got what I want want want

You're here and then you're gone gone gone

If you told me that we were true

Know that I would break the truth

I want to breathe you in like a vapor

I want to be the one you remember

I want to feel your love like the weather

All over me all over me

I want to print our hands in the pavement

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