The Day Of

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Chapter 8
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Song of this chapter is: Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin which is sang by the girls in this chapter.

"Hello! Mel! Where the hell are you?" Hailey impatiently asked through the cellular device.

"I'm in the front where the hell are you?" I ask her using the same tone of voice. "I found our seats, they're in the front."

Battle Of The Bands was fucking packed. "Kay. We'll be down in a few." She says and then hangs up.

I look over at 5 Seconds Of Summer and see Calum smiling like an American Idiot. When everyone gets settled the TV crew starts filming and the host dude comes out. "Hello people of America! I'm Ryan Seacrest your host and today I'll be hosting The Battle Of The Bands. (A/N: IDK HOW TO SPELL HIS LAST NAME.. EITHER SECREST SECREAST OR SEACREST..) Today there are ten amateur groups competing for a record deal with Sony. (A/N: ALSO FUCK SONY KESHA DESERVES FREEDOM #SONYSUPPORTSRAPE #FREEKESHA. I used sony cuz i forgot the other record labels when i get one i'll change it.) So please give it up for our first performers; Antwads!" Ryan yelled through his microphone.

Anthony the bully and his friend walked onto the stage.

Here I stand

Helpless and left for dead

Close your eyes

So many days go by

Easy to find what's wrong

Harder to find what's right

I believe in you

I can show you that I can see right through

All your empty lies

I won't stay long

In this world so wrong

I was the first to get out of my seat and onto my feet. The girls and the boys of 5SOS. "THEY'RE STEALING MY FUCKING SONG!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

Ryan came out first. "What's going on?" He asked cutting the dicks off from playing my music.

"They stole my damn music!" I shout.

"Do you have proof?" He asks.

Calum takes out his phone to show the video of us at the bar while I pull out my song book. I hand Ryan the book before Calum shows him the video. "See they're theives." I spit.

"Its true. Antwads is disqualified." He rules. The band of dicks gets off of the stage and then another group gets called up. Its second to last when he calls the boys. "Next up we have 5 Seconds Of Summer."

We cheered for them the loudest as they went up to the stage. "Hey guys, we're 5 Seconds Of Summer! We'll be performing our song She Looks So Perfect." Michael says into the microphone.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Simmer down simmer down

They say we're too young now

To amount to anything else

But look around

We work too damn hard for this

Just to give it up now

If you don't swim you'll drown

But don't move honey

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