A new old face

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I don't know why I did it. Parked my car in the middle of the road. I know that wasn't me. Well it was. But in a way it wasn't. It was her. The voice in my head.

The truck came to a halt and out jumped 6 people. Two women and four guys.

"Hello!" I said getting up to see them. Within getting four steps I heard the click of a gun as it was pointed at my head. I didn't want to turn all the way around since the person was on my left side but since the two women were in my line of vision I guessed it was a guy.

"Vasquez down," the woman with darker hair and skin said.

The man I guessed was Vasquez put down his gun and walked over to the rest of the group. The woman who had first talked held out her hand for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Roberta Warren," she said. I shook her hand introducing myself;

"Names Y/N F/L/N," I said quietly.

"She's half blind! Just shoot her from the left and let's go!" I heard an agitated male voice say.

Although I was angry I tried to look emotionless.

"Sorry that's Murphy," Roberta said.

"Mind if I know th' names of the rest of the group?" I asked. Roberta nodded.

She pointed to a man with long white hair." This is Doc."

She then pointed to the other girl who had red hair then a cute boy with black hair and then the guy who pointed a gun on me; "Addy,10k and Vasquez."

I smiled at them and they smiled back all but the boy named 10k, he just stared at me.

"Why the hell is she blocking the road?!" Murphy growled pushing ahead of the group and standing face to face with me.

I clenched my teeth trying not to cry out. The man was like a blue doppelgänger of my dad. My dad. The awful man that walked out on my mom when I was only 5. Besides seeing pictures pre Z I didn't even remember him.

"Y-Y/N?" He whispered. I nodded. He looked at my eyepatch. With my left hand I coved my eyepatch.

"No staring," I hissed. Murphy backed up. Causing everyone to stare at him in confusion.

"Do you have any food or water to spare? Or a place for us to stay the night?" Warren asked. I frowned.

"You people are god awful for riding with this asshole," I growled pointing to Murphy." But ya I do it's right here." I then pointed to a fenced in house next to us.

They followed me in after getting their stuff from the car. The house was two stories not counting the basement, and had three bedrooms I gave them up saying that I could sleep on the couch.

But as we were walking in the house I heard her talk again.

They are all food! Except the blue one. No we mustn't eat him.

"Why?" I whispered. Sure enough she answered.

Because he's...

She paused as Murphy walked into the room.

Like us.

"Dad?" I Mumbled. He nodded before walking out of the room.

Another chapter done! Hope ya liked it if you didn't I would still want to hear how I can make it better. But alas even the most energetic people need to sleep, so I will update tomorrow if I'm not busy. So goodnight ma little zeebies or good morning if you've stumbled upon this book in the morning

((Your all my little zeebies now muhahhaha))

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