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"Derek are you awake?" Said a sweat voice.

"Ya ya. Are you ok Jen?" I say weakly feeling the holds in my back starting to heal. Looking around I see Jen next to me. She worred. I don't like that she is.

"Your lying to me Derek." Jen green specked eyes lock onto my. "Why is this happing to us? What did we do to diserve this?"

Siting up I hug her humming the song mom and dad would to get her to sleep. "We'll get out. Some day."

Opening my eyes I see I'm still in the woods. I stand up. Why am I so short? Looking down I let out a yelp. I don't have feet! I was paws? Looking behind my I see my back. wasn't my. It was flat. And coverd in black fur. And at the end... A tail? I'm a wolf! Do all werwolves do this? Is it supost to hurt like crazy? I look a the sky. The half moon hovered about hafe way in the black sky. With out meaning to I howl. It fells like the right thing to do. I dont know why. Oops. Seems like 20 to 30 other wolves answered. All shape shifters. For ones I could hear what they where saying. It seem like it was just English. But i know better. Half of them are asking who am I. And what am I doing here.

Ignoring them I try walking. Ow. I didn't even get to take a step. I fell face wait no. Muzzle first? Into the thick green grass. That remdebds me off Jen's eyes... No. Don't think about her. She'a gone. Nothing you can do about it. ~snap~ what was that? My ears angle to the lift with out me having to think about it. Looking over to my left I see a pare of gray eyes.

Uh oh. He's a male wolf. I can tell be his sent. I stand there trying to figure out what to do. The male came out of the shadow of the trees. He has smooth white fur. He was big. Bigger then me. He must be a alpha of one of the shape shifter packs. This scared me. I never seen anyone taller then me. With out my control my black ears go agest my head. "Who are you! Why are you here!" he bark in my ear. Making it ring a little. Looking around wildly for a escape he followed my eyes. Cutting off any way I could go. He ovisly didn't really want my answer as he pick me up be my scruff. Shit shit shit. Knowing he was ether going to be nice. Which is unlikely. And he would put me outside the pack bored. Or he would attack me. And beat my wolf ass until he was sure I wouldn't come back.

The alpha throw me to the ground. Making the wind come out of my as I land on my side. Before I can take a breth he's on my again. His claws starting to dig into my side. trying figure out what to do I studer the first words that came to my head" I I'm Der-" The alpha didn't even let me finish. He slam the paw he wasn't useing to claw my side onto my muzzle. Not letting me speek.

"Shut it!" he bark in my face. And I saw his eyes agen. The gray that was there at first was gone, And now replast by a dark red. A shiver run down my spine. "Get up!" Yelling at me he takes his claws out of my side, getting off me. Quickly I try standing up. But I cant. I don't know how to move in my new form yet. This made him more mad. "What are you? A pup unsure on his paws!" he snaps at me. Almost biting my neck. He grabs my scruff again. Not like a mother would with there pups. His teeth dig into my flesh. All I can do is tuck my tail under me. Hoping he will understand I'm not a threat and want hurt his pack.

But no. He walks with me in his mouth. My paws drag on the dirt And grass. As he wint the smell of wolf got stronger and stronger. Nun of them werewolves. Just shape shifters. I struggle. I don't want to go near a pack. Let allow into the heart of one. But my struggling just makes his teeth seenk deeper into my skin. Letting out a whimper I give up. I can't do anything. This alpha had me. And he wasn't going to let me go.

Walking into the camp of his pack I see wolfs come out of den and look at me. They growl. I dont react. Mr. Alpha throws me into a cave. On the ground I see dried blood on the stone flore. This must be where I'm going to get my ass handed to me. I was use to being strap down to a table. Or being forest to hurt a friend. But me myself. Never really got hurt. I was a brans over browns type of guy. My mind was raising faster and faster as all the male wolves circled me. But the alpha made the first move. He lunge at me. Clawing my back. Pain zap though me. With out meaning to he reopen or wounds. And unleash something that i keep hidden in my for year. I black out as soon as my eyes change dark green.

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