the wolf

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who was that? there was no one els is this gob forsaken room. Jess look at me. gosh thoues eyes. I will never get use to them. she unstrap me and her tail petted my right leg. I brush it off glaring at her and took the mask off my face. attack her now! shouted a voice that made me jump.  "it's  your wolf talking to you." Jess said. stepping back from me. how did she hear me? ask her! the voice tald me. he sounded like a exited kid. he must be stuped. is hes my self isn't he soupst to know what I know? and I know jess can read mines. " he knows what you go through WITH him. he's like a new born baby. but smarter." I got up off the table. my back acrch alittle because of the pain. I started to leave but Jess stop me. " I know you will come back son." jess said with a evil smile.

"your not my real mom. and I will never come back to this hell hole." I growled at her. now attack! no! I told him. I didn't say it outloud but thought it. and it work because he didn't tell me to again. I leave going back down the dark hail way, I slowly clim uo the latter stoping every so often because my back tuched thart wall. when I finely get I I got strat to Annabel room. with Annabel in it. I don't even say hi im to tired I just lay down on the bed next to her. Annabel room head wight walls and a bed with puerple sheets. it was a queen size bed. all the beds are. she had a flat screen tv on the wall also like all the rooms have. and a desk on the side wall with a lap top and other stuff. MATE MATE that's are mate! mark her now!  my wolf yells at me. good Annabel reallu is my mate. but whats marking? I don't ask the wolf. I don't want to know yet.

"Derek are you ok?" Annabel ask my. she seems wored. I proble look like shit. I feel like it.

" ya... I got my wolf." I told her. I was so tired... I just want to sleep here ingolft in her sent. no sleep WITH her! not next to her!   my wolf yeld at me. is he always going to be horny?! well I geas wolfs do mate almost right away.

" do you mind if sky gos to seen him?" she ask me. her voice is so quit. or was it just quit to me seens i had my wolf yelling at me to have sex with Annabel.

"sure. i going to take a nap ." i close my eyes and difft off to sleep.

theres a girl name sky coming? is he annabels wolf? that would make her my mate! i groom my all black fur so i look nice for sky. after a few secnts i hear paw steps. then a wolf comes. she has gray fur with wight ear and tail tips. she was my mate. and mty only. but Annabel was my and dereks. she walk over to me. " hi. im sky annabels wolf. whats your name?" she side nuzzling my side. this made chilles go up my spine but good chills

" i don't have a name i supost to name myself? or does Derek do it? im not sure Derek would give me a good name.' i told her. i nuzzled her in return. then lick her ear. i wunder hwen i can finely mate with her. ill do it tmarrow or the next day. depends if she wants to too. i look around us. every dereshen i look theres black niss. end liss black. even if i look down. we seem to be floring but i copuld fell my paws on the ground." were are we any waY?" i ask sky

" in dereks mined. i know it seems like nothing but its not." sky told me she seem fole of engery. good that means she can last long when we are mating. i wanted to get on her and do it right now but femlais rant like that most of the time i think. they want to atlest know you. right?

"so. what you want to do?" i was asking her because i know what i want to do. and she mite not want to do the same thing as me...

" hmmm. what is your faverit collar?" sky ask me. she was so pretty...

"umm. blue. you?" i told her. why cant i just get on her now?

"  have to its light blue." sky said. right before. she felt sky lick my stomach.






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