"Derek please don't go! What if she tries to get u again?" Annabel begged. Rapping her arms around my neck. I could see the worry in her eyes. And feel it. It was wired how I could always feel what she felt. Sometimes I wish I could just shut it off. But as Varg always points out that it makes it 2 times as more enjoyable bed...
"I'll be careful. And if anything goes wrong u will know. And u can get Cole." I told her. But I know even though a small smile, she was still scared for me. “I need to do. Whisper. I allowed myself to feel scared about my nightmares. Annabel is the only person I would ever show my real emotion’s to.
“Ok, but u better be back in time of briefest in the morning.” She said kissing me deeply. Biting her bottom lip she open her mouth so my tong could get in. why leave now! He have her now just mate! Varg yelled at me. He didn’t understand how much I missed Jen… it was my flat that she still there.
“How do you even know Jen still alive?” Annabel ask pulling away from me. She looked him my eyes with those pitiful eyes. I just wanted to melt and let her do anything when I look into them, and she knows that.
“I I had a dream about her. In it she was alive. And I feel like that was more than a dream. Like she was trying to tell me something.” I told Annabel. I felt so stupide saying it out lowed. I almost blushed. But I didn’t. “Me and Jen. We had a ceneshin (sorry I couldn’t figer out how to spell this word.) Not like normal siblings. It’s hard to explain.” I said, still feeling stupid.
“I understand.” She kisses me again.” Be safe.” She smiled and let me go. She felt like it mite be the last time I see her. My heart felt like it was ripping in half!
“I’ll see you in the morning ok.” I said as I walked to the door of are shared room. Turing the handle I could feel Annabel scared for me, wishing I wasn’t going, and sky just wanting to mate with me. But I had to go.
Walking down the hail way I went down the stairs. Cole looked at me. “where are you going?” he ask, Cole black hair almost covering his eyes. Cole was always wanted to know everything that was going on in his house.
“I’m going out.” I told him. I didn’t want him knowing what I was really going to do.
“ok.” He said and walked away to his wife Angle.
Walking in the woods I could see the flowers staring to come up for spring. Everything seem just perfect. But ware I was going there would be no trees, or flower, grass, not even the blue sky. Only dirt and concert.
Walking throw the woods it took me almost a hour to get to the fake tree that is the entrees of the underground lap ware I grow up in. I shivers at the thought of my chilled hood. I almost let out a whimper but I wouldn’t, what if there was someone lessoning.
Taking a deep breath I hid my fear deep inside me. I couldn’t show any fear, not at all. Opening the door in the fake tree. Inside it would be compile dark to a human, even a werewolf. At least one that was used to living above ground. But I grow up here, and could see perfectly. Going down the rusted ladder as quietly as I could. Despite being as tail and big as I was, I could be as quit as a mouse.
When I reached the bottom I walked down the tunnel until it spilt in to 3. Going down the left path there ware doors to many cells in which I could hear quit voice talking to one another in fear. But I didn’t have time to save those people. I needed to get my sister out. Maybe some other time I could tell Cole and he could tell him friends in the polices busses to help them. Walking down the hail I stopped in front of a cell marked 1124.
“Derek, I was wondering when you would be back.” A voice said with in the cell. It was a girl’s voice.
“Jen!” I yelled and open the door and ran inside to… jess! She has a low cut top and tight jeans. Her tail swishing back and forth. She has a smile on her face showing her sharp white teeth. Her hair coming down to her butt… it gotten longer.
Stepping back I tried to turn around and run but two grads with night sticks and dart guns stopped me. “n no.” I said that was the only thing I could think of. Just attack them, those darts won’t do anything us! Varg said to me…And he was right!
Growling I let my claws grow more and bard my teeth at the grads. Rising my hand I moved forwards to claw them in the chest, but sadly I was not as fast as their guns and they bother reptiles shot me. Every time the dart land in my chest about 5.
“w w ware is j…je..” I managed ti get out before I couldn’t talk anymore. Varg you ware wrong! I yelled at him. Stumbling back I leaned on the wall. Everything was going fuzzy. I couldn’t feel my body anymore. Then I realized jess was coming closer to me. She turned me so I was facing her. She was grabbing something in my chest. I couldn’t figure out what it was. The darts! Varg yelled at me. Oh yay… I got darted!
Jess mouth moved but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. Next thing I knew was that I was on the flour. How did I get here…? I asked myself. I uh I think we feel... Varg told me. “Ok” I said back.
Then everything went black.
hey so im started to wright every week, if my sister not keeping the laptop from me! well thats it. :)
and if you follow me i will follow you!

Changing fate
WerewolfEscaping from a secret lab. Not knowing about his own kind. And the chance of finding a mate. What happens when his past meet up with his present? Will he ever forgive himself? Or will the hunters get him first? Find the anser and more in this book.