Looking into her eyes. Gosh. Thous eyes! They were green with specks of gold. When I look into then I felt like eletrised shot through my. Mice with love. I wanted to kiss her now. Be ingolfe in her sweat swaet sent. But I didn't. I couldn't. What if Jess found out. She could hurt Annabel to get to me. I couldn't put her in dager like that. "D did you feel anything?" she ask my. Did that mean she did?! Shit. What should I do?!
"Did you?" instead of asking I ask her a questen. I sound stuped don't I! I didn't show any emoshen like I always do. Hopfly she didn't think I was a jurk
"I ask you first." she blearted. Hmm smart.
"ya...I did." looking down I answer her. She's going to laugh in my face now.
"r really. I did to. Does this mean we're-"she started but I cut her off. Kissing her. My lips on hers. They where so soft. I was able to reston myself to not shove my tung into her mouth. I pold away. Looking at her. Her faces was a mix of shock, happy, and confshen.
"mates." I finsht her sentence for her.gosh I hope that's what she was going to say. I hold her close are wet body's prest agest echother.
"ya." she look at me. We were lost in chethers eyes. We could of been staining there for hours or minuts. I didn't care. "Did you hear your wolf?" Annabel ask me.
"Uhh. Was I supost to?" I ask back. Douse this mean we're not ment to be? No. We are. We have to be.
"Maybe he's just shy." Annabel smiled. And new smile I havnt seen on her face before. It was a real smile. One Filled with love...
"ya. He'll come out. But all I care about right now is you." we kiss agen. This time for several minuts. When we finly brocke away we both were pantting a little. "let's go inside." I took her hand. Polling her into the house and upstairs I stop outside my door."meat me in my room after you get dreest?" i sugested. wanted to follow her into her room. And watch her and see her body with out it being coverd up by cloths. But I couldn't. Not yet at lest. Not before she says it ok. I hope she dous soon.
We went into are seperst room. I got out of my swim trunks and dried off. Putting on my on cloths. After a few minuts of waiting Annabel nock."come in."
"hey so my wolf wants to meat yours." she said. Sitting with me on my bed. "Is it ok if she look for him?" she ask me.
"sure." I didn't understand how she would but oh well. A sharp pain shop through my head. What was that? It felt like something was moving around on my head.
"sorry. It mite hurt I little." Annabel told me. No shit! The pain went away. I look at Annabel. She had a frown.
"what's wrong?" I ask. Sliding closer to her. I didn't like her frown... It didn't suit her.
"She can't find him. Like he's never going to be there."Annabel was still sad. Maybe Jess knows what to do...
"I was expermted on most of my life... Maybe that has something to do with it?" I told her. Hopping this will make her smile agen. But she didn't. "I can go see someone. Abd they will know how to fix it." I told her. I don't care if Jess would experment on my agen. I just want to make Annabel happy agen.
"ok."Annabel smiled.

Changing fate
WerewolfEscaping from a secret lab. Not knowing about his own kind. And the chance of finding a mate. What happens when his past meet up with his present? Will he ever forgive himself? Or will the hunters get him first? Find the anser and more in this book.