"Jen. Jen wake up. It's time for lunch." shacking her awake. " come on. We dont know when we eat again. Come on!"
"Killer!"snapping my eyes open i fell pain everywhere.
"W where-"I get cut off as someone shacks me from my scruff. I yelp felling cuts on my side and chest open more. Making more blood to spill out onto the ground. Looking around I see I'm in a cave still. Everything fuzzy. "Jen..." maybe she was around here
"Killer put him down." said a strict male voice. Who is that. Looking around all I see is shadowy blures. Something rip the skin on my scruff. Someone must have there teeth in my. Why? I hear the voice speech again but it sounded like I was underwater hearing someone above me. "Jen...?" calling out for my sister. What happen to me. Being through to the flore I fell something jump onto me ripping open my already healing cuts. I let out a whimper."s stop..." I can't even keep my head up any more. Slowly I start differing off and every thing gets num. finly the thing gets off. And I can fall asleep leaving my pain behind.
Darkness inclosed me. I couldn't brack through it. Ever so often I would hear voice but never make our what they saying. After what seem hours I finely saw a light. "I think he's coming to." said a ruff voice. "shh. You don't want to scare him. We don't know what he rembers." a softer voic said back. Opening my eyes all I can see at first is bright blinding light. "Derek can you hear us?"
I noded a little blinking. "Jen?" looking around I see where I am. I'm in my bedroom. Cole and angle stand above me. "What happen?"
"You where a wolf somehow. Killer fond you and punish you. If cole didn't get you out of there u would of died." Angle told me using her sweat voice. Her black hair hafe covering her face. I look down at myself. I'm warring jean paints and a bitten up shirt. When did I get these cloths on? I didn't really want the answer to the questions so I didn't bother asking. Instead I just noded. "are you going to be ok by your self?" I nod again. Still felling dizzy. "Derek how meany fingers am I holding up?" she holds up her hand. I have to squint to see how meany she has and still then it's blurry
"Six." my voice comes out as a slur. I sound like a drunk ideate. I must be one because I just realized she can't have six finger on one hand.
"Derek. I'm only holding up three." Angle said. She put her hand on my chest. OW! What did she do?! Shoot me?! Angle retract seeing the pain on my faces." sorry. But Sam clawed your chest up really bad. It's healed fast but it's still a open cut."
"I'll have Annabel look after him." Cole said. Why?! He knows I don't like her!
"No!" I growl. Sounding mader then I ment to be. "I'm fine. I'll heal on my own. Just let me rest." closing my eyes to show I wanted to sleep.
"ok." Angle and Cole got up leaving.
Slowly I drift back into sleep.
When I wake up it's night time. I sit up when I fell no pain i know that i'v heal all the way. Going to my window I see the girl outside. Annabel. I could smell her sweat cady like sent as if she was right next to me. With out really thinking about it I go down stairs and outside. She jumps seeing me. "i I'm sorry. I should leave. I don't want to be on your taritory." she sounds so scared.
I was about to tell her to leave. But I couldn't. She was thin and tinny. I could pick her up with out my werewolf strength."no. It's ok. Really" you know you can sleep inside."
"r really?"Annabel said. She was so happy. I geas I understand way.
"come. I'll get you a room." I walk inside. Annabel followed a few feet behind. Looking down like some kind of prisoner. Like how I would if Jess or Xavier was walking my back and forth from my "room".
We walk in silent as I took her to the gest room. Cole had it all ready for her. She wint in And sate on the flore. "you can sleep on the bed." she seem happy that she could. She got up laying on her bed. I left her closing her door. Heading back to my room I go back to sleep.
Hey finely no cliff hanger! I think that also been my longs chapter.

Changing fate
WerewolfEscaping from a secret lab. Not knowing about his own kind. And the chance of finding a mate. What happens when his past meet up with his present? Will he ever forgive himself? Or will the hunters get him first? Find the anser and more in this book.