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"Derek why are u in the hails with our a gard!" Jess yelled at me

"I was but the gard left me." I told her.

"don't lay to my." Jess hit me acros the faces. She has to rech up a little to hit my face but still. I didn't move my head. I just stud there. Hands behind my back. I desied what I should do.

I let out a growl. Still stading still. I wanted her to know I was mad. "Jess that gard told me to stay here and he walk away. I'v been waiting here for him to come back." I told her. I didn't diserve this anymore.

"Derek don't growl at me. I'll ask all the gards and if your laying I'll come deal out your punishmt my self!" she was scared that I growled. Maybe I should do more...

"Derek wake up!" annabel voice snap me out of my dream.

"what what?"I ask. Wiping the sleep from my eyes. Looking around I relize that I'm still in her room. How long have I been asleep?

"gosh your a bed hog! U fall asleep laying strat but u move so much!" Annabel said. Lifting my leg off of her. I almost smile at the site of it. It was like a ant trying to pick up a rock. I let her struggle and after a minute she finly gets it off. "what did you dream about?" she ask me.

"why?" I ask back. I couldn't really rember what it was any more any way. I ran my fingers through my hair. I had to tug it through notes. I need to shower and shave. I'm starting to grow peach fuzz. maybe she can shower with us!  "no!" I yelled at him. Annabel gave me a look. did I say that out loud? yes you did. ha! shut up wolf.

"what's wrong?" Annabel ask me touching me arm with her hand. she was worried now. I must of sounded crazy. yes. yes you do. ugh SHUT UP. i yelled at him again. but not out lowed.

"just the wolf..." i trailed off. i didn't want to tell her what he really said. hopeful she wouldn't want to know what he said.

"oh ya sky gets annoying to." Annabel told me. Annabel move and sate next to me. mark her now! the wolf yelled at me. what is marking? you don't know!? ask her. i bet she wants you to mark her. just shut up so i can talk to her.  i look at Annabel but before i could say something she kiss me. it seem like lighting shot through my. but it felt good. her lips were so soft. and her sent filed my nous. her sweat sweat sent. mate! mate with her now! the wolf yelled at me. why douse he have to have to ruin it! go away. i told him but he didn't. guess he cant. maybe i should thank Jess for taking him away. but then again i did ask for him back. it was for her...Annabel... i would do anything for her.

"i need to take a shower. see you at dinner. \" i said getting up. she snickered at me. "what" asking wall stretching.

"its past dinner." Annabel told me. wow i slep for a few hours.

"well see you tomorrow." i said. but before i could leave Annabel stop me she grab my arm and smiled her sweat smile.

"you need to name your wolf." Annabel told me then let me go.

i went to my room. got undress. and went into the shower. hafe way through washing my self i got to blow my waste i heard the wolf laughing. what's so funny? i ask him. its small. Annabel will never enjoy mating with you with that! the wolf just laugh more. i could tell my face went well. al lest no one else was around to notes. no its not. shut up. now what should i name you? i change the subject before he could make of me more. i like being called wolf. but maybe in a different language?  he told me. Varg. its wolf in... i forget what language. ok Varg.


hey. by the way Varg is said Vary nut spelled Varg. and i started a new book. its called the pixie price. its in fantasy. and remember





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