I Don't Need Saving - Peter Parker x Reader

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"You're welcome"

As the masked figure is just about to swoop away into the night, you grab his hand, and lead him down the street.
"Nice try, you're not getting away from me this time"
"Look, lady, I've got places to be, people to save, this places needs m-"
"At gone midnight? I don't think so" you retort to the masked spider.
See, the first time was just a casual save, you were about to be hit by a speeding car but luckily he swung by and got you out of the way – your stomach was in your chest but it was worth it.
But this was the fifth time, and all you did was trip.
Something was going on, and you were going to find out what, because it was really frustrating you now, was this guy stalking you or something? Because it sure as hell seemed like it, just because he was a new-born hero it didn't change anything.
You talked to Gwen – your good friend at school, on what to do to confront him and get answers, she thought this would work, if he would go out of his way to stop you from falling of a freaking curb.

So you planned it, at midnight you would walk out, look for the "Spider-man" and get answers, you were planning to get yourself into some danger but turns out he was following you anyway. You were going to ask Peter to come along, but his light was off, he's usually up late, but he's all distant about the spider thing, so.

"But if he's saving people, what's the problem?"
"It's not that, it's the fact the only saving he seems to be doing is mostly toward me, I need answers, find out who this guy is, like, I was thankful the first time, maybe the second, but then the other two were clearly not life threatening, I don't need saving"
"Maybe he's protective over you? You might have an admirer"
"Protective? He doesn't even know me, or at least I think he doesn't, like I said, I'm not a damsel in distress, I can take care of myself"
"I don't doubt for one second he thinks that"
"Then why does he do it, then?"
He goes silent.

And that was the end of yet another conversation with Peter Parker on the Masked Vigilante Spider-Man.

"Lady, if you don't let go I'm gonna-"
You stop, and turn to face the masked man.
"You're gonna 'what'? Look, I was grateful the first time, and the second, but now I need answers, because your saving me for silly little reasons now-"
"Ma-am, this was very serious, you could have fell and broken your nose, or broke your arm if it was in the wrong position, who knows how you'd end up" you could hear the humor in his voice.

His voice
Sounded too familiar...

"Answers, NOW"
"Lady! Keep it down! you'll wake the neighbours!"
Son of a bitch had taken you up into the air again, wait for it... there's the sickly feeling.
"YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST ASKED ME FIRST!" You scream sarcastically, gripping tightly onto the latex of his suit and him.
"I'M KIND OF A REBEL" he retorts playfully as he swings towards the roof of a nearby building, landing on it safely as you let go of him and hug the ground.
"You just gonna lie there or-"
You get up, looking toward your captor.
"Mask off, now"
"Excuse me?"

"Who are you then? You're someone from my school, nice try with the fake British accent I'd know that from anywhere-"

"Peter, what did I just say?" Miss Anderson questions, sending Peter out of his daze.
"Uh... Peter what did I just say?" Peter replies, to which you smirk.
"Afterschool, with me"
As you walk out Peter catches up with you.
"Ooh, Parker got a detention"
He smirks
"Well, I was distracted"
"What was it this time? A spider being attacked by a wasp?"
He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Something like that"
You walk over to your locker and open it, his is adjacent to yours. Miss Anderson walks past, glaring at Peter sharply before she walks into the Canteen.
"(Name) what did I just say" Peter jokes, mimicking Miss Andersons British accent.
"Hey! Its improving, still a hint of Peter there though" You reply prodding his nose as you place your books in your locker, close it, then lock it.

"I learn from the best" He replies to you, to which you smile as you both walk into the canteen.

"I recognize your voice now, oh why didn't I notice before!" You slap your head repeatedly
"Every time I brought it up, so distant, and yet, you were right next to me this whole time"
"Look, lady, whoever you think I am, I'm not, so let me drop you home and I'll be on my way" He replies, turning around and walking away.
He stops.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
He remains unmoved,
"I couldn't" he's stopped the accent now.
"That's not an answer; you know I wouldn't have said anything."
"If you had found out, you would immediately be involved and endangered, I can't have that happen"
You smile at his words
"Peter, turn around, please"
He obliges, turning around, his mask is still on, like he's hiding.
You walk up to him.
"Tomorrow we're going to have a long conversation on how this happened, but I want you to know that to me your still Peter Parker, not just Spider-Man."
You can just about see the smile beneath his mask.
"Take the mask off, idiot"
He obliges, and the mask is pulled off to reveal his slightly dishevelled hair and face.
"Now there's the guy I wanted to see"
"Thought I was a stalker 5 minutes ago?" He retorts playfully, you punch his arm.
"Yeah well... now that it's you, sort of swayed me over to the thankful side of me"
"Oh really?" You nod, smiling.
Your bodies are touching now, and your eyes locked; you're not sure what move to play next, a hug? A kiss on the cheek and a hug? You didn't know how to play it, you weren't exactly good with these sort of things; neither was Peter, well he thought he wasn't.

A/N: You see, I may have forgot to tell you, well I can't forget to tell you, because you clicked for this type of story because you're really into x Reader  at the minute or maybe you were bored or maybe there are no X Readers anywhere else

You... how do I say it, have feelings for Peter, ones you don't admit to.

Ever since he crashed into you in the hall on the first day at Midtown Science High School, with the quick, murmured apologies before your eyes met, there was something there, of course the denial set in and you always thought he had eyes for your friend, Gwen Stacy, always looking over at her when you and Gwen were talking, and always looking over to her in class when she sat next to you, Gwen had an interest in Spider-man ever since that giant lizard incident back in '12. So it just seemed like-

Your heart stopped

His lips were on yours, you were having a mild panic attack while at the same time your heart was leaping for joy.
So you relax and go for it, you start kissing back, you feel his hand on your hip so you slowly wrap your arms around his neck.

Yeah, you were definitely were in trouble now.

Peter? I know things have been difficult lately and I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling. Ever since you were a little boy, you've been living with so many unresolved things. Well, take it from an old man. Those things send us down a road... they make us who we are. And if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you, son. You owe the world your gifts. You just have to figure out how to use them and know that wherever they take you, we'll always be here. So, come on home, Peter. You're my hero... and I love you! 

A/N: This is my first x Reader

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