Arrow Through my Heart - Clint(Hawkeye) x Reader

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"______ (y/n) down here!!" Clint motioned to an empty alleyway. You ran with him, both of you sprinting to get away from the madman that was hunting you two down.

"Clint..." You both saw the dead end. Clint shot an arrow at a wall and grabbed you. The rope from the arrow tightened, pulling the two of you up onto the roof of a building. Clint checked down below while you looked for a place to hide. An air vent stuck up a couple of meters away. It bent at the top, creating a large indentation in shadow, big enough to hide in. "Over here Clint." You whispered. He turned around and followed you.

The space was tight so you ended up pressed against each other. Clint's arm was around your shoulders protectively and the other was around the front of your waist. The two of you waited in silence, hoping that the crazy archer would leave. Yeah, that's about as likely as Tony giving up women.

The longer you stayed there, the more anxious you became. Adrenaline course through your veins, making you jumpy and painfully aware of every sound. Clint seemed to sense this because his arms tightened and he pulled you closer. Now you head was resting on his chest, his was in the top of yours. His heart was beating fast and strong underneath your cheek and the sound soothed you. "It's okay _____(y/n). We're gonna be okay." You couldn't say anything so you just nodded.

Suddenly, an arrow shot through the air and landed 5 feet away from you. A small light blinked and Clint had just twisted you around to shield you with his body, when the arrow exploded. The top of the air vent blew off, along with everything else on the roof.

When the debris had settled, Clint slowly let go of you. He stood, holding out a hand to help you. You eyes widened and Clint spun around, knocking an arrow and standing in front of you protectively.

El Paulo, Master Assasin from 10 years ago, stood 8 feet away, a manic smile on his face and his own bow drawn and loaded. "Why do you keep running from me?" His accent was heavy but you could still here the taunting in it.

Clint said nothing, he just pulled back his bow string a bit further, catching El Paulo in his crossfire.

El Paulo tsked and walked forwards, "No need to be like that, I just want to play."

"Take one more step and you can go play in the dark forever." Clint snarled, his voice dark and menacing.

El Paulo chuckled but stopped moving, "You're not the playful type, are you little bird?"

Clint growled, "You better run. S.H.I.E.L.D's not happy you escaped. That's why they sent us to come and find you. Can't wait to see your face when you get thrown back in that cell."

El Paulo's eyes darkened and his voice turned evil, "You aren't going to put me back in the cell, pretty boy."

"Oh? And why not?"

"Because I'm going to kill you and your little friend here." He released an arrow but Clint was already one step ahead. His own arrow met Paulo's and both exploded. Paulo snarled and shot another. Clint pushed you out of the way and aimed for Paulo.

The fight continued for a while. You were behind what was left of the air vent. Clint didn't want you to fight. You could sense that. But that was about to go out of the window...

*Clint's P.O.V*

My heart sank slightly as I knocked my last arrow. I aimed and it caught El Paulo in the side of the arm. It gave me enough time to reach behind me and pick up a couple of arrows from the floor. I was about to change the tip but my bow was knocked out of my hands by Paulo's arrow. He gave me a sick grin and aimed for...______(y/n)

"Say Goodbye to your pretty girl."

I didn't even have time to jump in front of her. The arrow whistled through the air and lodged itself in _____(y/n)'s stomach. "Noooooo!!" My cry of disbelief and anger filled the air. _____(y/n)'s eyes went wide and she screamed out in pain. She fell towards the floor and yanked out the arrow, dripping with her blood.

White hot rage ran through me and with a roar, I sprung towards El Paulo and jammed the arrow straight into his heart. His face contorted and I snarled in face, "Enjoy hell you son of a bitch!" I pushed him away and ran towards ___(y/n).

I sat next to her, pulling her into my arms gently. Tears ran down my face and I desperately wanted to tell her it would be alright but she wasn't stupid. She could feel the poison slowly move through her body. I leaned towards her and pressed my lips against hers. When I pulled away, she rested her hand against my cheek, "Do you remember that time we were training and I flipped you over?" I chuckled and nodded.

"And the first time you met me and told me I was didn't stop blushing for an hour..."

"That time I couldn't open your bow and you collapsed in laughter?"

"You've made me so happy Clint...You taught me all I know and you've been a great partner.."

I smiled through my tears, "You've made me happy too ____(y/n). I never had a partner as amazing as you...You always stayed with me even when I annoyed you. Even when Tony would tease you, you still stayed by my side. You've always been there for me..Even when Loki brainwashed me. You forgave me straight away...

I should of told you this before...I love you _____(y/n). So much it hurts..." Tears were flowing freely down my face now I blinked them away, determined to keep looking at _____(y/n).

"I love you too Clint..." ______(y/n) tilted her head for a kiss and I gave her one. It was deep, passionate and bittersweet. Our tears mingled together along with our pain. We pulled away from each other and _____(y/n) looked up at me, happiness and love in her (e/c) eyes. Then she screamed as the poison seeped into her heart.

The sound cut through my bones and straight to my soul. I rocked her, "Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay...shhhh." She screamed again and fresh tears stained her pale cheeks.

"I love you Clint...More than the world..." Her voice was quiet and her eyes started to flutter.

"I love you too ____(y/n)...It's like an arrow though my heart..."

She smiled once and then her beautiful, (e/c) eyes glazed over and she was gone.

I closed her eys and sobs wracked my body. I held her close and weeped until a whooshing and whirring floated to me. I looked up through streaming eyes to see Tony in his Iron Man suit, crouching down. His masked lifted up and pain was in his own chocolate brown eyes. ____(y/n) was a friend to all of us. tony put a hand on my shoulder, "Come on...Let's get you two home." A S.H.I.E.L.D copter landed and I scooped ____(y/n) up. Tony picked up my bow and we climbed into the copter.

Grief stained everyone's faces on the way home. The rest of the Avengers had tears running down their own cheeks. We flew back to the Tower but I felt it. We all did. Our ray of light, happiness, was gone. She's gone.

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