Don't Overdo It - Steve x Reader

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A/N: y/b means your brother

-----Down in the lab-----

Tony and Bruce were working in their lab, per usual, when a certain super soldier came marching into the room, a look of bliss plastered on his chiseled face.

"Dude, what's up with you? Found out about online porn? That's just a natural occurrence in every man's-"

"No, Stark, that's not it. And you're a pig. It's the new girl, (Y/n). I can't get her out of my mind." Steve sat on a stool, propping his chin in his palm. "She's just so... perfect." He sighed happily to himself, staring off into space. Thinking about her made everything else in this crazy new time melt away. He had not met a woman so refined, so sweet, so refreshing in this era. And he wanted to cling to every memory he had of her.

Tony turned and glanced at Bruce, who offered a shrug in return, "Why don't you go talk to her? I mean, she lives here in the tower too, you know." Bruce offered.

"Yeah, Capsicle, go get you some!" Tony slapped the soldier on his back, earning him a cold glare in return.

"Go see her and then what? Tell her how much I love her? What if she doesn't like me back? Then what? I've had my fair share of rejections, and I don't think my heart could take it if this one rejected me..." Steve looked down at his hands, twirling his thumbs to calm his racing heart.

The billionaire rolled his eyes, "No, doofus. Just go talk to her. Get to know her a little better. We all see how she looks at you; you're sure to get a date from her. Now get, before I go up there myself. And how could she resist this charm?" Tony motioned to himself dramatically, causing Bruce to face-palm.

"Normally I wouldn't agree with Tony on something like this, but it's worth a shot, Captain. Besides, (Y/n)'s really nice. If nothing else, she'll enjoy your company."

Steve nodded and stood up with determination, "Alright, I will go and talk to her! Thanks guys!"

The two scientists watched as the doors closed behind Steve. Tony turned to Bruce and grinned, "He's got this in the bag." Bruce shrugged again and resumed working on his invention.

-----Up on (Y/n)'s floor-----

(Y/n) was sitting on her couch, talking with Natasha about famous movie stars.

"Dude, we both agree that Johnny Depp is hot. Why can't you see that Robert Carlyle is, like, the hottest older man on the face of the earth?" (Y/n) argued.

Natasha rolled her eyes, "Because I think Gerard Butler is hotter Scots-man."

"What about Sean Connery?"

"You're so weird with your older man fetish. Is that why you like Steve so much?"

(Y/n)'s cheeks burned like fire, and she averted her eyes from her friend. "No, that's not why at all. And who said I like him?" Nat smirked, "I did and I'm always right."

"Oh really? What are you, Prussia?"

"Duh, 'cause I'm awesome!"

The friends exchanged a serious stare, then burst into hysterical giggles. When the elevator door opened to reveal our super soldier, the girls were on the floor holding their sides.

"Did I miss something?" Steve grinned at the two women. (Y/n) waved at him through giggles, and Nat shook her head, "You wouldn't understand our weirdness."

He chuckled as the two regained their composure. "We were discussing movie actors we thought were hot. And then it went in a totally different direction." (Y/n) smiled up at the super soldier, who blushed softly at her gaze.

Steve walked around and sat on the couch near (Y/n), and watched as she interacted with Nat. The way her (e/c) eyes shined in excitement, the pink tint that rose into her cheeks as she laughed, and even the way her nose would wrinkle as her smile widened. Steve unknowingly sighed to himself, happy to have just witnessed the beauty of this woman.

(Y/n) turned and nudged Steve's arm, "Hey, there, soldier. Aren't you forgetting something?" She smirked at him, cocking her head softly to the left. A chuckle came out of Steve, "Oh, I'm sorry." He reached over and pulled her small frame closer to him, enveloping her in his warm arms. She slid her arms around his slim waist and buried her nose in his chest, happily inhaling his familiar scent.

Nat scoffed at the two, "You two are going to give me diabetes if you keep this up." (Y/n) stuck her tongue out at Nat, who stuck hers out in return.

The three friends found themselves discussing a mission coming up in a few days, (Y/n) still nestled against Steve's side. Steve kept glancing down and smiling at her, elated to have even a bit of her attention.

The elevator dinged, allowing whoever was inside to come into the room. Nat looked at (Y/n) confused and mouthed silently, "Were you expecting someone?"

(Y/n) shook her head and craned her neck to see who had entered. Steve's arm tightened around her waist, determined to keep her protected.

"Hey, isn't there some squirt that lives here?" the new voice called.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened to the size of saucers, a wide smile taking up most of her face. She squealed as she dashed from the couch towards the voice; a s mall grunt was heard and a chuckle followed. From the hallway came a tall man, holding (Y/n) who seemed to have attached herself to his torso. Her arms were tightly around his neck and her legs were around his midsection. The man laughed and kissed her on the forehead, "How have you been doing, precious?"

(Y/n) gleamed up at him, "I've missed you so very much, that's how I've been! Oh you gotta tell me all about your mission! I wanna know everything!" Steve's fists started tightening. He wasn't sure who this guy was, but he was holding his (Y/n) and he didn't like it. Not one bit.

The man laughed and patted (Y/n)'s head, "Alright, but you gotta get off of me."

She shook her head vigorously and dug her nose into his neck. "NO! I'm a koala and you are my tree."

He made a face down at her and smiled, "So I'm a tree now?"

"Yes, and you're not doing a very good job of it. Trees don't move."

A laugh escaped the man as he carried (Y/n) to the couch, sitting with her in his lap. He grinned at Natasha, "Hey, Nat. How are you doing?"

Nat gave him a half-smile, "I'm doing alright. I hear you're really busy. Fury has given you six back-to-back missions, hasn't he?" The man nodded, "Yeah and I have another one starting tonight."

(Y/n) sat up and looked at him with sadness in her eyes, "But you just got back! What do you mean you gotta go again?"

The man smiled sadly at her and ruffled her hair, "You know how it goes, princess. Duty calls. But you have me for several hours, so we can catch up."

Nat stood up and motioned for Steve to follow, "We'll leave you two to catch up then. It was good to see you, even if it was brief." Nat walked towards the elevator, and Steve stopped to give (Y/n) one last glance. She smiled up at him from the man's lap, "Bye Nat, bye Steve! I'll come see you later!"

The elevator door closed on the soldier and the assassin, and Steve found great interest in the floor. Nat smirked and looked over at him, "If looks could kill, he would've exploded. What's up?"

Steve's jaw was tightly set, eyes glaring at the door. Nat normally wasn't uncomfortable with silence, but the tension in the air was starting to make her fidgety.

"If you don't tell me what's wrong in two seconds, I'm going to have no choice but to rip off your-"

"I don't like that guy that was with (Y/n). Who does he think he is? Coming back from some mission to have her hang all over him? With his giant muscles and good looks. I'm sure he charms the socks off of her."

Nat smirked knowingly, "Oh, is our Captain America jealous?"

Steve glared at her, "No. Not at all."

Nat opened her mouth to retort, when a small beep emanated from her phone. She slid the bar, reading her message, then shrugging her shoulders, "Looks like we'll have to continue this conversation later, Cap. Fury wants us in his office to talk about a mission."

The elevator dinged and allowed the two Avengers to walk into the director's office.

-----Time-skip of a few hours, because I don't want to write a boring conference. So now it's just Steve and Director Fury-----

Steve waited in his chair until all the agents left the meeting, leaving him and Director Fury alone. Director Fury looked up from his files, "Is there something you're needing, Captain?"

Steve ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "Actually, I have a request. I want more missions."

Director Fury looked at the soldier confused, "You actually want me to put you out on more missions? Don't you think that might be overdoing it a little, Captain?"

Steve set his jaw again, "It's what I want, sir."

Director Fury shrugged and went back to organizing his files, "Fine. Consider it done."

Steve saluted and left, walking to the elevator. He leaned back and closed his eyes, letting the boring elevator music relax him. He let out a puff of air, and wiped his hand over his face. He had an epiphany; if (Y/n) was all over that guy because he's always gone on missions and she 'misses him', maybe if Steve is gone more often then she will be all over him when he returns.

The soldier smirked to himself, hoping his plan would work.

Meanwhile, a red headed agent was watching the surveillance tape of Steve and Director Fury's conversation. She shook her head and went to the fifteenth floor, better known as (Y/n)'s floor.

"You're not going to believe this." She told her friend, who was staring out the window at her view. (Y/n) turned around and looked at her, "What am I not going to believe?"

"Steve has asked Director Fury to put him on more missions."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, "Why on Earth would he do that?"

Nat shrugged, "I think he is trying to impress you."

(Y/n) bit her knuckle then looked back at her friend, "You think so? You think it has something to do with (B/n)?"

Nat made a face, "I do. I think the soldier's jealous."

(Y/n) stared out her window and sighed, "We'll see."

-----Time-skip because I'm lazy-----

Steve had been on seven missions in five days, and needless to say, he was exhausted. He hadn't even had the chance to see (Y/n) to see if his plan worked.

He went upstairs to his floor, hair a mess, dirt on his face, and still in his uniform. When the elevator opened, he stepped out to find a lamp on in his sitting area. He pulled his shield up onto his arm, ready to strike if need be. He walked around the couch, to find (Y/n) curled up in a ball, wearing a nightgown and a robe, covered in a throw blanket. She was softly muttering in her sleep, and it made Steve smile to himself. He then noticed her clutching something in her hand with her nose dug into it. He moved her softly to see her clutching one of his shirts. His heart was fluttering, and a wide smile broke out over his face.

Steve picked (Y/n) up bridal style, careful to not move the shirt from her hand. She snuggled deeper against him, craving the warmth he was putting off. He set her down on his bed and covered her with his comforter. He moved her hair out of her face and grinned down at her. Steve then turned and went into his restroom, taking a warm shower to clean the grime of seven missions off of his body.

The soldier changed into sweat pants and a white t-shirt, drying his hair with a towel as he walked back into the bedroom. He looked up to see (Y/n) sitting up, rubbing her eyes sleepily, "Steve?"

He grinned at her, "Hey."

She held her arms out at him and yawned, "Hug. Now."

He smiled and picked her up into his arms, relishing in the feeling of her snuggling into him. (Y/n) dug her nose into his neck, softly breathing in his familiar scent. She could feel the knots in his back, probably from the stress of the missions. (Y/n) pulled back and rubbed Steve on his well-toned chest, then looked up into his ocean blue eyes. There were dark circles under his eyes, and exhaustion was radiating off of him.

(Y/n) sighed and hugged him again. "Steve?"


"Are you doing all these missions to impress a girl?"

Steve was quiet for a moment, then softly sighed, "...yeah..."

(Y/n) had tears well up in her eyes, and managed to keep her voice steady, "Why?"

Steve didn't respond to this. He stroked her hair, softly twirling a (h/c) strand in between two strong fingers. He shrugged softly.

She sighed and rubbed his back, "What if it's all for nothing?"

He pulled back and looked down at her sleepy eyes, "What do you mean?"

"What if you going on all these missions doesn't impress her? What if it just worries her to death? Worried you might not ever come back to her?" (Y/n) wrapped her arms around him tightly, looking up at Steve from his chest.

Steve let her words sink in, and he pulled her closer, protecting her from the outside world.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm doing this for nothing."

He laid her down in the bed, softly caressing her (h/c) locks as he did so. Her eyes started to flutter closed, and Steve laid down next to her, and arm wrapped around her middle protectively.

Steve sighed and nuzzled into her hair, "It worked for that other guy though..."

(Y/n) turned over and looked into his azure orbs, "What guy?"

"That guy you were hanging onto because you were a koala."

She giggled sleepily, "Steve, honey. Calm down."

He looked at her confused, "What?"

"That was my brother. I haven't seen him in over eight months. So that's why I acted how I did. I've missed him."

Steve pulled (Y/n) closer to his chest and kissed her on the forehead, "Well, I feel stupid."

(Y/n) gave her melodic giggle and snuggled closer to him, kissing his pectoral gently. Steve smiled down at her and continued to snuggle, feeling sleep overtake him.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Steve."

-----Extended Ending-----

"You what, now?"

Steve threw his hands up and let them fall back to his side, "I want to cut back to my previous number of missions, sir."

Director Fury glared at the soldier, "So you first ask me to put you on more missions then demand I take you off of them?"

Steve smirked, "You got it."

"And may I ask why the sudden change in heart?"

Steve started walking towards the door, "I gotta date."

Director Fury watched after him, chuckling as the door closed. Steve skipped down to the drive outside the headquarters, where his beautiful girlfriend was sitting on the back of his motorcycle.

(Y/n) smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek as he bent down, "How'd it go?"

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