One Knight - Batman x Reader

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You run and run. You can hardly breath, but you can't stop. You race through the dark, windy streets, praying, hoping for someone. Anything.
You can hear the heavy footsteps behind you, of someone chasing. You feel something drip down your face, but you can't stop and wipe it away. Every second counts. You can't remember how long you had been running. But you have a stitch in your side and your chest burns.
You know it's been at least a few blocks. Ever since that man decided your purse wasn't enough. You hit him with it as hard as you could, and you've been running since. If you ever got out of this, you promise yourself you'll never EVER go to the store again at night. Not even for milk. It isn't worth it. Gotham is too dangerous, even with Batman. Some criminals didn't seem to get the memo. However, at this point, you aren't sure you believe in Batman either.
You turn the corner in the dark and bump into something hard.
"NO!!" you start to panic. Frantically, you push against the barrier, begging it to move, when strong arms grip yours. "No! No!" you screech, terrified. You struggle with all your might. You are sure he has you.
"Stop!" a rough, gravelly voice commands you. You freeze. "I won't hurt you. You're safe now."
Slowly, terror subsides and you register what's in front of you. Batman. You collapse in relief. "Batman," you breath.
Suddenly, you feel another presence behind you.
"Helloooooo, girly....where did you go?" a voice taunts. Shaking, you peer over your shoulder and see the man from earlier standing in the mouth of the alley. You tense again, preparing to break out of Batman's grip if you can and run once more. But Batman doesn't give you the chance. His removes his hand from your right arm and grabs an object from his belt. He aims it at the man and before you can even blink, the man is a piled heap on the ground. You stare in shock for a few minutes and then turn toward Batman.
"He's unconscious?" you ask. You remember reading somewhere that Batman has never killed anyone.
"Yes, " he affirms.
"Thank you," you say. Something wet rolls down your cheek again. This time, you realize it's tears. Batman reaches up and wipes your face with his gloved hand.
"You're alright," he says.
Before you can even stop yourself, your chest is heaving and you're sobbing. All the terror of the past few minutes finally catch up to you. Batman just stands there, still holding your arm while his other hand cups your cheek.
You lean into his hand involuntarily, grateful for the safety and warmth.
"How can I ever thank you?" you choke between sobs.
"Don't walk late at night again."
Despite the situation, you start to laugh. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Batman growls.
"For being a stupid idiot you had to rescue," you groan.
"You're not an idiot," he grunts. "No one's safe. " He starts to turn away. "He should be knocked out for another half hour. Call the police."
"Wait!" you cry. You're about to do one of the bravest things you've ever done. Well, besides walking out late at night. You reach up and wrap your hands around the sides of Batman's mask and you kiss him. You feel Batman freeze underneath your fingertips, but you're too far to stop now. And then he kisses back. Slowly, but deeply. You're taken aback for a moment, but as he continues to kiss you, you fall into rythm. He's certainly the best kisser you've ever come across. After a few moments, you pull away, but not far.
"You're welcome," Batman breathes heavily. You laugh. He leans back and starts to walk away.
"Will I see you again?" you can't help but ask.
"I'm always around." And then he pulls out another object, aims it at a building, and flys up into the sky, his black cape billowing behind him.
Certainly the worst and best night of your life.

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