Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Starting off the saturday at the gym is a definite oh yeah to me, (By the way my name is Laura, Laura Anderson.) It's not like I like working out... It's just I don't exactly have a lot of friends so I have nothing to do on weekends but to work out, sometimes meet my so-called friends, and, of course scroll a couple of miles on Instagram, but yeah...

Body Combat is the class I usually attend when I go to the gym by my own, it's all about throwing punches and kicks to the air while listening to electronic music (not really fan of that sort of music though). We usually are around 12 people or so in class, mosty old people, 13 years-old pretending to look cool, and... me.

That Saturday morning my alarm clock went on at 8:30AM, I know you're probably thinking, oh good lord that's so early, and I'm not saying it's not... Also, it's the last Saturday before high school, yeah, I'm starting Junior Year... (First of Bach, for you Spanish people.)

Talking about high school, mine is that sort of high school that kind of reminds you to High School Musical, with the Status Quo and all... Sad thing we have no Troy Bolton, but we do have a Sharpay Evans, her name is Kimberly Brooks, evil name, huh? She goes around high school with her evil minions trying to make your life a living hell, just for fun! That's reason number one of why I don't want to go to high school this Monday.

But wait! I do have friends, there's Lea, she's hilarious, if you see someone laughing that's probably because Lea had just told some of her old-but-still-funny jokes. I have been all the past week praying to every single god that may exist up there if they could please put me with her as my classmate this year. She has dark hair, sometimes it's curly and sometimes it's not, it depends on the weather (really), she has brown almond eyes and milk white skin, we could say she's an average girl, but, just like me.

Then we have Kota, she's been my friend since I was like 1 month old, she is sort of popular if you could call it like that. She doesn't sit with me at lunch or anything because of the Status Quo, (I was being serious there) she's a member of the Students Council, and trust me, in my school, that is definitely not lame. More like the opposite, if you're a member of the SC you are popular, it's not like cheerleaders aren't popular here, because they are, (Kimberly is in the team), but SC are just so smart and open and beautiful and mysterious at the same time.
I know you're thinking, Why is she talking so well about the SC?
Well there is a guy. There's always a guy. Carter is his name, Carter Tucker, hot enough.
Okay, stop it Laura, you're digressing. I was talking about Kota. So... she's pretty, that's for sure, but she has that bratty kind of pretty, it was her decision though, she is known in school as Bratty Kota, I'm gonna tell you why...

Kota was an average green eyed blonde girl, who liked reading and watching Netflix with me, our friendship was based on that actually. But ever since Freshman year, her body started its evolution and she was like, oh my gosh I have boobs, and stuff like that all the time, it was kind of embarassing 'cause I was (and still am) a plain board when it comes to boobs. Then last year, Sophomore, she started wearing these highly seductive crop-tops and skinny jeans, all boys seemed to have a crush on her, who wouldn't? She had A's in all of her subjects, plus she was pretty and kind of an easy target since she had had at least 8 boyfriends in the last two months.

So that's my crazy random group of friends, people tend to call us Lea the average, Laura number 2 (as in referring to Average number 2), and Bratty Kota.

Now that I introduced you a little bit more onto my life I'm gonna continue with the story.

Saturday, 8:30AM, Sorry by Justin Bieber hitting hard from my iphone, (Did I just say iphone? Well, haha, no, I don't have enough money for that.) time to wake up. I changed into my work out clothes and packed my bag ready to go to the gym, then I prepared myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the table checking my iphone (again) notifs.

I had a text from Kota: Heyyy Laus, u gonna work out today? I'm comin' with ya ok?

Now that was weird, Kota didn't usually work out, not this early though. I texted her back and told her I would meet her at the entrance in about 15 minutes.

I got the keys of my car and sprinted to it, it was starting to rain and it looked like it would turn out to be one of those summer storms. When I finally arrived at the gym, (thank god the parking lot was covered, it was pouring outside by the moment) I waved at Kota and walked towards her.

"Hey Kota, I'm kind of curious about why you'd come this early to the gym," I said raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Gurl! There's this new guy, Graham, he's coming to our school this Monday, he's new in town," She winked an eye, Kota and her obsession with guys...

"I still don't get why you're here..."

"Well, duh! He's obviously here, as in, right now. And he's smokin' hot with those shorts," She explained pointing at a certainly hot boy through the gym's glass.

"You're here to meet the guy, huh?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled making my way to the restroom.

She followed me inside and continued talking. "I really like this guy Laus, I have to meet him."

"You haven't even exchanged a word with him," I said sarcastically pulling my bag inside the locker and she, doing the same.

"But he's cute, he's new here, I can offer myself to show him the school, do you think that will work out?" She asked me breathlessly, that's a fact about her, she always talks, like, really fast.

"Whatever, if you like the guy, go for it. He'll fall for you as they always do," I added with a grin.

She giggled because she knew it was true and I shook my head laughing at her. We walked up the stairs and finally entered the gym, Graham was doing some push-ups over the corner. I stared at him for a second and fell into some sort of a hypnosis at the sight of his light brown hair and deep green-blue-ish eyes, he was surely attractive.

"Laus, keep walking, why did you stop walking? Is it because- Oh!" She exclaimed and I turned around and glared at her. "I see, I see."

"It's not what it looks like," I defended myself. "It's just he has nice face factions."

I looked at Kota who had just started running on the running machine and found her smiling dumbly at me.

"Honey that boy is mine."

I rolled my eyes and put on my headphones.

1332 words

Author's note;

AHHHH, YES, my dear friends, it is finally here, nope, you're not dreaming...
Finally, finally, finally, I've been so excited these past days to show this first chapter :)
And I hope you liked it as much as I did :)

Chapter schedules, as always: Wednesday & Friday (Today's an exception)

I hope your exams have been great and I wish you good luck! :) Thank you SO much for reading and please stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

Dedication goes to: First Impressions?




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