Back In The U.S. (S.R.) {part 2}

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           When we arrived in LA around 1am, we went to our hotel and slept until 10am. We got up, got ready, and headed to Anaheim to visit my and Liz's family. We had a week to stay, and a day to go to Disneyland with our boys and our siblings.
      George and Paul decided to head back to England. We said our goodbyes as they got into a limo and headed to the airport; we got into a different limo and headed to our childhood homes with Ringo and John.
The limo dropped John and Liz off at her house, since hers is closer to where we were. After they got out, the limo started to drive down the road, and the butterflies in my stomach flew.
Ringo's leg was shaking and when I looked at him he stared straight ahead with a blank expression. I squeezed his hand. "Hey, it'll be okay. You don't have to be so nervous."
"But I am. The last girlfriend's parents hated me. I'm just so clumsy and doofy I'm afraid I'll fuck everything up."
"Ringo, my parents aren't like that. Just be you, I know they'll like that. They'll see how great you are."
Ringo said nothing; he just held my hand tighter until we arrived at the one story, 3 bedroom house.
We got out, got our luggage, and walked up to the door. I knocked, and my mother opened it. She jumped on me and held me so tight to her. I felt tears down my face. I then hugged my dad, and then my sister ran out. She's ten years younger than me, 9 years old, but she grew, and she looks almost 11. I hugged her the longest; she's my sweet baby.
My dad walked up to Ringo and shook his hand. Ringo went over to my mother and gave her a hug. And then he bent down to give Mandy a hug. She giggled because she knew of my love for Ringo when I lived at home. I gave her back a soft kick and she laughed again, but stopped.
        Ringo and I walked to my room to put our stuff away. We looked around; the room was empty Except for a bed my parents put in as a spare bedroom. The walls were still painted a light purple, and my book shelf still stood. I sat on the bed, remembering everything that I did in this room for 18 years.
      "Hey look what I found," Ringo said, holding up a picture. It was of him. I must've accidentally left it behind when I moved.
   I blushed. "Huh, yeah would you look at that."
     Ringo plopped on the bed on his back. He held the picture above his head and in a high pitched voice he said, "Oh look at Ringo! He's sooooo cute!" Ringo squealed and buried his head in the bed. He looked up at me and I couldn't help it; I laughed.
       We stood up and went to go visit with my parents.

                        {Liz's POV}
       "So, John, did you ever go to college before you were in a band?" My mother asked.
     John cleared his throat. "Yes, I did. I took art, but I was sort of a clown in college so I didn't do that well.."
I mentally shook my head. My parents looked like they didn't really like John's answers so far. And John was nervous. I could tell by the way his leg shook and the look on his face.
"Oh...well at least you have a successful career," my mother commented.
"Oh yeah! Music is my main passion, besides writing. I've written a book. Published and everything."
"Really?" My father asked. Both parents look surprised.
"Mm-hmm. I'm actually smart! Heh.." John nervously chuckled. Oh lord.
"Uh, so how have you two been?" I asked my parents. They started telling us about my brothers and how the kitchen sink had to be fixed and oh goodness how could we leave out painting the interior, I'm sure you've noticed. I nodded as they pointed out the color and watched my brothers play fight in their room.

"I fucked up so bad tonight," John muttered as we climbed into bed. My parents turned my room into a guest bedroom.
"No you didn't, John. You were just nervous. Besides, they never really liked the boyfriend I had before you. They're hard to please."
"Yeah, so is my Aunt Mimi. Jesus, wait until you meet her. You'll probably break up with me."
"That's nonsense. Even if she tried to kill me I wouldn't leave you. I love you, John Winston Lennon."
"Heheh I love you too Elizabeth Sunshine Ramirez." Yes, Sunshine was my middle name.
John kissed me, and it turned into a makeout session. He started to run his hand up my thigh.
"John, no not here. I don't want to risk anything."
"Come on, babe. They won't hear anything."
"John, please stop."
John sighed. "Fine. Goodnight." He turned around and switched the lamp off. Darkness surrounded me. I knew he was pissed off, especially since we haven't had sex since I last saw him, last month. I got out of bed and went to watch tv in the living room. I wasn't going to let him ruin my good mood for tomorrow; were going to Disneyland with my brothers, Rose, Ringo, and her sister. I just hoped he wouldn't be an ass.

{Rose's POV}
"Well I think we should go on Tomorrowland Jets!" Liz's brother Eddie yelled at his twin brother Jason.
     "No, we have to go on Matterhorn first,butthead!" Yelled Jason.
      "You won't go on anything if you two don't shut up!" Liz yelled. I chuckled; I've watched her battle with her brothers many a times.
     "Well, what would you like to go on?" I asked 9-year old Mandy.
     She shrugged. "I don't care. Let's go where they go." She liked to tag along with the boys.
     I was already feeling great today. I held Mandy's left hand, and Richie held her right. We tried to disguise ourselves as best we could; but even In a hat and sunglasses the boys could be noticed. It's hard hiding their noses. Yes even John's; he has a distinct nose. Luckily no one has come up to them yet.
      "Hey since these two are being assholes, Mandy gets to pick the first ride," Liz said to me. Her brothers glared at her and John snickered.
      "Alice In Wonderland!" Mandy squealed.
    "Well what are we waiting for?!" John yelled, us knowing his love for the movie and book. He grabbed my sister's hand and they practically skipped off in front of us.
    "Aw, how cute," I commented as I took Richie's hand. He nodded.
     "Everything okay, hon?" I asked.
   He smiled. "Mm-hmm. It is cute." Richie has been acting like something has been on his mind all day. But, I shrugged it off. He's probably just tired.
      A few fun hours later, we stopped in front of the Sleeping Beauty castle to take pictures. Richie already took a lot of everyone today, especially me. I was hoping this was it. Luckily, there wasn't a lot of people today, so we would get a good one.
       "Rose stand right over here, John is goin to take our picture," Richie said.
     I stood, and suddenly, Richie got on one knee. Oh god.
     "Rose Hammond, I love you so much. We've been together for a year, and I want us to have more together." He grabs a small box out of his bag and opens it, revealing a beautiful, but not too flashy ring. "Will you marry me?"
      "Uh..y-yes!" I stammered, so stunned. I was not expecting this. Not at all. I felt tears accumulating. Richie got up and placed the ring on my finger. It was a little big, but still looked wonderful. I hugged him so tight.
      "Hey lovebirds, let me get your picture!" John yelled.
     Richie and I turned and had our picture taken. And then I called Mandy up. This was the best Disneyland vacation I've ever been on.

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