Love Me Do (pt. 2)

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             {Two months later;Liz's POV}
"God damn...god damn," I muttered as I paced back and forth. "GOD DAMMIT!"
"Liz, calm down. They're trying to find John. I'm sure he didn't go far," Rose tried to reassure me.
"That bastard! I can't believe he ran out on me AN HOUR BEFORE WE WERE SUPPOSE TO GET MARRIED."
"I know..I can't believe he did it either...but I know he loves you too much to not come back. You have to remember that John has trouble committing. This is all so new to him."
    I sat down next to Rose. "I just wish he would've at least told me that he was too nervous..I would've understood.." I felt a tear fall down on my cheek, and Rose wiped it off and hugged me.
   "It'll be alright Liz. He'll come back; I just know it."
   As soon as she said it, the door burst open. John ran in. I was shocked, to be quite honest. If he came back, I honestly didn't think he'd have the balls to come to me first.
    "Baby-" He started. But at that point I turned my back from him. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't know if I could marry someone that could run out on a two year commitment so easily.
    "Liz, I know you're mad, but baby I was so scared. I-I cracked. I didn't want to tell you. I didn't plan on not marrying you, I just had to think of what to do. I just needed to get away for a while. I didn't think anyone would notice. Boy was I wrong." He tried to chuckle like everything was going to be okay. Boy was he wrong.
   "I can't marry someone who can just run out like that, John..the thing that hurt the most is that you couldn't even tell me you were scared. It doesn't make you less of a man to show your feelings.."
   John sighed. "But I wasn't going to not marry you! I-"
   "Yes I heard what you said. But you have to understand that you just up and left. You could've just told me or one of the boys that you needed to think it over; I would've been upset but I would've understood. I'm scared too John. This is scary; I understand. We are making a decision to spend the rest of our life together, and with that we have to be 100% honest. And yes even this little thing, even though you came back, still makes me wonder if you can commit to me for the rest of your life."
   John was silent. He stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. He looked down, and then looked back up. "Well," he started. "After thinking about it today, I decided I still want to marry you. I love you, Liz , and I'm deeply sorry I scared you like that. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I'll be up waiting for you." And with that, John walked out and shut the door.
    "I-I don't know what to do," I said slowly to Rose. She stood there, one hand rubbing her chin.
   "Liz, you do what you feel is right. You heard his side, so now you have to figure out your side."
    I frowned and put my head in my lap. I wanted to so desperately forgive John, but could I really trust him to not run away from important events again?

    "John Winston Lennon, do you take Elizabeth Sunshine Ramirez as your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asked John.
"I do," John said, beaming at me.
"And do you, Elizabeth, take Mr. Lennon as your husband?"
"I do." I said without hesitation. After a lot of thinking, I decided to still walk down the aisle. And when I got up to John and looked into his eyes, I knew I made the right decision.
"I now pronounce you as Mr. And Mrs. Lennon. You may kiss the bride."
John leaned in and kissed me tenderly as the crowd burst into applause. The rest of the night was filled with dancing and delicious food. John held my hand and beamed every time he looked at me. We both knew as we cut the cake together that we made the right decision.

{A/N: Wow so it's been a while since I've posted! For those who like the story, I'm so sorry I've been slacking. Sometimes you can lose the mojo for something, and unfortunately I lost it for this story. But now it's back and I'm here to let you know that I'm going to finish it soon! I'm probably even going to start a new book soon! Thank you so much to everyone who reads my stories, i love you guys!}

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