I Want To Tell You

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Brian's passing was definitely hard on the boys; however, a couple of months later, they were slowly getting back on their feet and we're working on getting Magical Mystery Tour released.
One day, while Richie was on set of the movie by the same name, I decided to visit him. I got up to to the set and saw John talking to Paul.
"Hi guys," I smiled as I walked up.
Paul gave me a half smile. "Hey Rose." I don't know if it was just me, but he seemed rather nervous when he said it. Weird.
"Have you guys seen Richie?" I asked.
They glanced at each other. Paul looked down and John looked at me. This can't be good, I thought.
"I don't know if seeing him would be a good option right now.." John muttered.
My stomach churned. "Um..is he okay?"
"Well, what happened?" I asked, irritated.
John sighed. "Look, if you want to go see him, he's in his trailer. But I'm warning you, you won't like what you see."
"Well, what is he doing? Is he cheating on me or-"
"No! Just-just go see for yourself."
"Will you go with me?"
John stood up and Paul gave me that weird half smile. While John walked with me, I got extremely nervous.
We finally made it to Richie's trailer. I walked up to the trailer door, but hesitated. My hand rested on the handle.
"You don't have to do this, Rose."
"He's my husband. I have to." I sighed and opened the door handle. It was dark inside the trailer. I looked around and saw beer bottles scattered around. I found a passed out Richard on the couch.
I closed my eyes and shut the door.
"I'm sorry." John muttered. "I know you hate when he drinks."
I shook my head. "Yeah, I do. But, I thought he was hurt or something. Next time, and I know you were trying to be considerate, but please don't play it up so much." I smiled at him to show I wasn't mad.
"I'm sorry. I-Paul and I- didn't know how'd you react. So I guess we overreacted a bit."
"I'll talk to him when he gets home tonight. Thanks for going with me." I gave John a hug.
John walked me back to my car and as I drove home I worried about the talk I was going to have with Richie later.

"Hey babe," Richie said to me as he walked in. I glanced at the clock. 10:30pm.
"Hello," I muttered. I was trying hard to not let my anger shine through. I didn't even look at him as he sat next to me. I kept sewing the rip in my skirt.
"So, John told me you stopped by today."
"Sure did."
"I know you're mad."
I cocked an eyebrow. "Hm, I see you're sober enough to process things now."
I took a side glance. Richard sat with his lips pressed.
"Rose, I'm stressed, alright? I know you don't like me drinking, but-"
"Yes, you're right, Richie. I don't like it. And you know why?"
"Because I'm an asshole when I'm drunk."
"Rose, I'm sorry. I am. But, drinking is the fastest way for me to get my mind off everything. Brian dying. Paul being all controlling. The record. The movie."
"There's other outlets besides getting mad drunk. Trust me. And I know you are going to tell me 'I'll only drink when I'm not around you' but guess what? Soon, it'll become an addiction. And it'll come home with you. And I will not put up with it, Richie. I promise you, I will leave you if you bring home that nasty addiction." I looked at him. His blue eyes were wide. He looked down and folded his hands.
"Well, you're way more important to me than a bloody bottle of alcohol." He looked up at me and took my hands. "I'm so sorry, Rose. I love you. I'm just..going through a lot. And I just resort to the bottle. But, for you, I will find other ways to channel my emotions."
I smiled. "Good. So..the reason why I came to visit you is because I have news."
"Yeah. Um..I went to the doctor today to have him check on something. And well.."
"I'm pregnant."
"What?! Oh my god, that's fantastic!"
"Yes, it is. You really are happy about it?"
"Of course! You know I love kids." I looked into Richie's eyes. They were watery.
"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad.."
I hugged him and thought about our future, including a little bundle of joy in my arms.

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