Little Child

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                    {Back to Rose's POV}
   "John, stop messin' around. Take a good picture, please." Liz asked her husband as he stood next to me. She recently got really into photography, and she's been taking pictures of me every month because of my baby bump.
   John sighed and said, "Fiiiiine." We stood and took the picture. I had to hold my back as we did. I'm due any minute now and even standing hurts; she's lucky I love her enough to take a bloody picture.
   "Okay..thanks guys! Okay Rose I won't torture you anymore, you can sit."
   "Thank god. John, help me sit please?" John nodded and helped me sit on the couch. I picked up my sandwich and began to eat as Liz and John sat next to me.
   "When is Ringo coming home?" John asked.
   "What, are you tired of helping me out, John?" I smirked.
   "No, course not. I just want to hang out with a guy. I've been with you two ladies all morning."
   Liz and I both rolled our eyes. And then, I felt an intense pain. I dropped my plate as I grabbed my stomach in pain.
   "Oh my god, her water broke!" Liz screamed. I looked down and saw the couch was wet. And through the pain I could feel the wetness.
  "John, come on, we have to get her to the hospital." Liz and John helped me up and we started to walk to the front door. My whole body was in pain.
  "W-wait," I panted. "W-we have to..we have to call Richie."
  "We can call him at the hospital. We can't waste a minute unless you want to have this baby in the car!" Liz shouted. They rushed me into their car and we sped off to the hospital..

  "Okay Mrs. Starkey, we will be able to deliver very soon. The nurses and I are going to get prepared." The doctor said to me. My response was to scream in pain.
   "Honey, hey, I came as soon as I could." I heard my Richie say as he rushed to my side. Sweat dripped down my forehead and tears ran down my cheeks.
  "I'm glad you're here. This..ah!...this really fucking hurts."
  "I know, honey. They're going to deliver soon. You can do this." I looked at Richie and he was wearing scrubs and his hair was in a rubber cap. I cried even more as realization hit that our baby was actually coming.
  "Wow, is the pain really that bad?" He asked softly as he smoothed my hair down.
  "No-I mean yes. It is. But-I-I I'm crying hard because..because you're in scrubs." I screamed out again in pain.
  "Richie, you're going to be a dad." I said.
  Richie started to tear up. "You're going to be a mum. A great mum." He said, all choked up. I heard the door open.
"Alright Mrs. Starkey, let's have a look." The doctor told me. He gasped and looked up at me with a smile.
  "I see the head. It's game time."
  Richie rushed over and he put a hand over his mouth and I saw the tears rush out.
  "Okay, I'm going to count to 5, and after 5, you push out. Ready?"
  "Yes!" I shouted.
  "1,2,3,4,5 push!" He yelled. I pushed and screamed. This repeated for about 30 minutes, and then I felt less pain. The doctor said, "Congratulations, it's a beautiful baby boy."
  I heard the wail of my boy as I laid, crying, looking up at the ceiling. I didn't have the strength to sit up to see my baby. Richie walked over to me and I leaned my head to the side as he held our son in his arms. This red, crying newborn was my beautiful child. I reached out and touched his little hand. His tiny hand wrapped lightly around my finger. I lost it. I started bawling. A nurse came up and apologized as she had to take the baby to clean him up and get him some clothes. Richie and I nodded and he sat next to me.
  "How are you?" He asked.
  "Tired. Wanting my baby. But glad it's over with."
  "Me too."
  "Richie, what day is it?"
  "No I meant the date."
  "Oh. August 20th."
  "Richie, it's almost the anniversary of Brian's death."
  "Yes it is... And that relates to this how..?"
  "It doesn't. But, I think we should name our baby Brian."
  "I don't know, Rose.."
  "I just feel like it would be a good thing to do. He passed too soon; and now we can, I don't know, sort of bring him back by naming a new life after him."
  "Okay, if you want to name him Brian, then let's name him Brian."
  "Are you sure?"
  "Yes. It's a sweet idea. And you were the one carrying the kid for 9 months so I guess it's only fair." We shared a slight chuckle and sat waiting for our baby to come back to us. Our sweet little Brian Starkey.

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