I Wanna Be Your Man

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(. Liz's POV)

"Okay your total is £40," I said to the lady as she grabbed her checkbook. She handed me the check, and I bid her a nice day.
I've been working at the grocery store for a week, and it's been going good so far. I mean, it's not my first choice, but it's better than not having a job. At least soon I'll be a hairdresser.
I zoned out a bit; business has been kind of slow today. I was daydreaming about dinner when a voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Excuse me miss, but where would your corn flakes be?" A shrill, high pitched old woman asked me.
"Oh, isle-" I stopped. John was standing there, with a box already in his hand, grinning.
"Gotcha! I already found them. Ha!" John exclaimed and he smiled like a dork. He's so cute.
"Haha, okay Funnyman, are you going to buy them or not?"
"Uh, it's Mr. Funnyman to you, and yes, I will purchase these Corn..Flaaakesss," he drew out the last word and said it like an old sophisticated man. I tried so hard not to laugh; I didn't want to get in trouble.
As I rung up the Corn Flakes, John asked, "So when do you get off of work?" He rested his arm on the counter.
"In an hour," I replied.
"I have to let you in on a secret," he whispered. "Come closer."
I leaned in, and he whispered in my ear, doing his sophisticated voice again, "I came here...to question you..about going out to the town..tonight..after work..for festivities."
I shivered at his whisper. It was..hot. I nodded. "S-sure. I'd love to."
He jumped a little. "Great! I'll...come back...5 o'clock...on the...dottt."
He walked out the store, and his body swayed back and forth. I was so giddy that an hour seemed to be an eternity.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving," John said as we drove away from the store in his car.
"Yeah, I could go for a bite."
"Just one bite?"
"No, you dork, it's an expression."
"Hmm." He scowled. "I was never let in on that."
We both laughed. In the end, we decided to get take away and go back to my place. We almost chose his, but I was tired and didn't want to arrive at the house too late.
When we got inside the flat, Ringo and Rose were there too. They were watching tv on the little set we brought from home. And we finally got a couch. Thank god.
    "Hey what's up you guys?!" Rose asked. Ringo waved his hand.
   "Not much we brought back dinner," I said, walking to the dining room.
    "For us!" John yelled immediately after me.
   "Yeah we figured as such," Ringo snorted. "Besides, we already had a lovely meal." Rose nodded in agreement.
   Later, after dinner and tv with Rose and Ringo, John and I went to my room. We talked a lot about life, sipping on drinks. About an hour in, he suddenly grabbed my hand.
   "Liz...I really like you. You're-you're pretty gear, and you're really beautiful. I want you to be my girlfriend."
   My heart beat. "I don't know, John...I like you too, but I don't know if I can deal with the life style you have."
  John sighed. "I understand. It's a difficult life to have a regular life intertwined with it. Just think about it, yeah?"
  I nodded. "Of course."
  Without warning, John pulled me close to him and kissed me. We fell back on the bed. I pulled back and mumbled, "I thought about it. My answer is yes."
   He smiled, and kissed me again as I ran my fingers through his light brown hair.

                  (Rose's POV)
   "Ringo! Ringo...stop!" I yelled out as he tickled me to death. He started tickling me because I wouldn't give him his watch back when he took it off to show me.
    Richie finally stopped tickling me and pulled me close. I sat with my back facing his chest against him. His legs wrapped around mine. It was so weird; I wasn't used to this kind of affection from men.
   "Rose..."Richie said and then he started to sing "I Wanna Be Your Man" as he rocked me back and forth. I giggled.
    "Richie come on. Don't get my hopes up," I joked.
   He stopped. "I'm not.. I'm singing it because it's true.."
     I caressed the hands that held me. "Oh Richie...you're so cute. Well the answer is obviously....YES!" I yelled as I turned around and pinned him down on my bed. He held my face in his hands and smiled. "Good."
   We kissed, while the streets of Liverpool and the families watching their Telly's had no idea what goes on in my heart at this moment..

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