Suspicious love??

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A/N: I know that I didn't make it quite clear but she just took a little nap so yeah it's the middle of the day and all that....carry on


Vivian's POV: I awoke to a door banging loudly making me jump violently, I got up really fast then ran to the door..but what a mistake that was because my head was banging like drums ouch! I open the door to see my bestfriend Sky! my eyes became wide and I started to scream loud causing devin to run down stair in a panic.


I was confused at first but realized that he was half asleep and I had woke him up with my scream (oops!)

Viv: oops! sorry babe nothing happened I was just suprised! skylar is here!

He just did a little nod and slowly went back up the stairs and kind of trip over a stair causing me to giggle.

Skylar: So are you gonna let me in or do I just stand here? *She put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow*

Viv:*Giggles and opens the door* sorry come on in

we walk in through the hallway back into the living room and sat down watching cartoons (Spongebob!)

Viv: ya doing?

Sky:Good so far from when I woke up all the way until I seen the news

She put here head down and swallowed hard trying to hold back tears, as soon I seen a tear drop down I scooted closer hugging her around the shoulders.

Viv: hey...what's going on? you ok?

Sky: cousin was was on the news...

She shakes her head and just breaks down completely, I hugged her tight and tried to calm her down, after a couple of minutes she breaths a deep breathe and sat up

Sky: If the police cannot find evidence then i'll find some myself!

Viv: Sky you're being crazy you cannot get in the way of a crime that may put you in fact ANY crime would put you in danger


Viv: I KNOW...*sighs* I know know but, please just listen to yourself right know...If you get in to something that could cost your life...just think about how I would feel if looked on the news and seen that you had been killed for trying to look for your own fucking evidence!

She stands up and I do too when we hear footsteps coming down the stairs.Devin comes around the corner from the hallway and leans on the wall with an eyebrow raised.

Dev: Whats going on down here?

Viv: Nothing

I said quickly...the least we need is him going on a rampage again talking about keeping me safe.

Vivian:I'll be upstairs in a moment..

I walk sky to the door and give her a hug and watch her get in her car and drive off into the distance.I turned around and jumped because devin was stand right behind me making him do a little smirk, he put his arms around me and put his lips on my neck kissing it softly up and down to my collar bone.We stand there for a moment and until he pulls away and take my hand leading me back into the living room laying me on the the couch on my back.He gets on top and grabs my thighs pulling me closer to him, he then lays on me and starts grinding our bodies together making my body heat up in pleasure as I arch my back, I put my hands on his back and claw them down his back causing him to groan loudly.He sits up for a moment and takes off his shirt then pulls off my shirt as well, he bends back down and kisses the top of my breasts while nibbling on them.Things started to get really heated and I guess a black out from all the pleasure because next thing I feel is devin pull my pants off, I gasp and did a little squeak and pulled away.

Viv: wait...we have slow down babe...

Devin sighs and and sit up and runs his hand through his head breathing hard

Dev: yeah I know sorry it's just*sighs* i'm just really turned on by you everytime and I wish you are ready

I kissed him slowly and whispered in his ear.

Viv: soon..I promise

Then I ran up stairs and left him there alone and turned on,then I heard a low chuckly when he then said

Dev:oh you're going to get it!


A/N:Part two coming up!!




and...i forgot the rest...hehe!

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