Chapter 12

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*Trigger Warning*

6 Weeks Later.

Phil's POV

I ran my fingers along the silhouette of Dan's body. My brain remembering each and every bump that littered the surface of his skin. I traced up and down his hips, his collar bone, his wrists. I felt the marks that the newly removed cast had left on the protruding bones in his wrist. I closed my eyes, and moved my fingers back to his waist, trailing them up and down, drawing simple and random patterns.

I stopped when I felt an unfamiliar mark on Dan's hipbone. I traced back over it, trying to figure out what it was. I felt a rough, bumpy line and as I moved my finger up his chest and realized that there were almost a dozen of these little lines. I felt a warm liquid on my finger, and quickly pulled them back to see what I had just touched.

I gasped quietly as I saw there was blood on my fingers. I slowly stood up and ran to the bathroom, careful not to wake Dan up. I turned on the faucet, and stuck my hand under the steaming hot water. I felt a tear trail down my face, as I watched the blood being watched away down the drain. I clicked off the water and dried my hands before turning off the light and getting back into bed. I slept with my back to Dan that night, Not holding my Bear in my arms.


The light streaming in from the window, woke me up. I sat up and sleepily rubbed my eyes, looking down at Dan as all of last nights events flooded back into my mind. I decided to go see Dean, as a distraction. I looked at Dan once more, before walking out, and across the hall to see the small boy.

As I opened the door I saw Dean was still half asleep, but he was falling off the bed. I smiled slightly and waked over to him. I carefully picked him up and placed him back into the bed. I kissed his forehead and walked into the bathroom to make myself look slightly more presentable.

After I had successfully wriggled into a pair of tight, skinny jeans, I decided I should run into town to grab some breakfast for the boys. I considered leaving a note, but didn't since I did not think they would wake up before I got home. I pulled on my sneakers and waltzed out the front door.

I wound up grabbing muffins for Dan and Dean, and a small coffee for me. I hummed a simple muse song to myself as I walked slowly back to the flat that Dan and I shared. As I approached the front door I saw that we had company over. I smiled and thought about one of our friends meeting Dean for the first time. I slowly opened the door to see my worst nightmare had come true.

I opened the door and saw Jack Howard kissing Dan.

Dan was in a tank top and his hair was still a mess from last night. His hands were wrapped around Jack's neck and their bodies were incredible close for it to be an "accident." Dan pulled back and smiled at Jack, but it quickly faded when he saw me standing in the door way. I had dropped the coffee and muffins and the door was still wide open. I stood, staring at the scene unfolding in front of me.

"Phil! Its not what it looks like!" Dan cried pushing Jack back walking towards me. I stepped away from the doorway and backed away from Dan.

Dan was pushing Jack out the door, as I was standing in the kitchen, feeling numb and broken.

"Phil?" Dan asked walking slowly towards me.

My numbness had suddenly turned into rage and I reached out and punched Dan in the jaw.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I screamed going in for another punch. I missed narrowly and hit the wall behind Dan instead.

Dan held a hand on his jaw as he backed against a wall. "Phil stop!" Dan screamed as he barley avoided the punched I was throwing at him.

"No Dan! I gave you every fucking thing you could have wanted!" I swung at him again, hitting him in the shoulder. "And for what!? A chance for you to fucking lie to my face and lock lips with that dumb-ass?" I threw another punch, but I hit the wall behind Dan leaving a hole. "We have a child Dan! And you are gonna run off with some narcissistic twat!"

"Of course not Phil! I would never hurt you like that!" Dan began to cry slightly.

"Oh Sure! You would never do that! You know what Dan? All you do is lie to me and not tell me the whole truth and I am so tired of it!" I walked into the lounge and grabbed the picture of Dan and I that had us both of us at the radio show. I threw it at the ground and did the same to all off the other pictures we had on the walls. I flipped the coffee table and punched a whole in the wall.

"Phil! I'm telling you! It isn't what you think it is!" Dan pleaded with me.

"No Dan! I watched you smile at that fucking twat after you had kissed him. God! You might as well have gone all the way!" Tears fell down my face and I continued to scream at Dan. "You told me 'Forever and always!' Dan! You told me that you would never hurt me! You fucking lied to my face"

"Phil! You aren't making any sense!" Dan screamed looking at my eyes, looking for any sort of forgiveness.

I stormed over to Dan and ripped his shirt off of him. I pointed to the scars that littered his torso. "When were you gonna tell me about these!? Huh!? You told me that you were clean Dan! And I have to find out on my own!? I have to find out that you are cutting yourself again and not telling me!? I'm sure you are telling Jack everything though, right!?" I turned my back to Dan and saw Dean standing behind me, his face soaked in tears.

I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around my legs. I scooped him up hugged him. "You know what Dan. You want to isolate yourself from me. Go ahead. Run back to Jack and tell him all about your 'Explosive Boyfriend' and how he took the one thing that made you feel 'whole again'. I am done."

I walked into Deans rooms and set him on the ground. "Dean. Pack a small bag with all of your stuff that you want to take with you." He nodded and I walked into our old room, and grabbed all of my stuff out of the closet. I threw it all in a backpack and then walked into the bathroom and grabbed all of my belongings from in there. I walked back into Deans room and grabbed him, ad his small bag. I walked over to his bead and grabbed his small teddy bear. I kissed his forehead and walked out of his room.

I grabbed my keys off of the floor and walked towards the door.

"Phil! You cant just leave me! We can work this out!" Dan screamed trying to make me stay.

I turned and looked at him. "No Dan. No we cant fix this. Its over, you cant fix this. Go to Jack. I sure he will be happy to take you in." I opened the front door and stepped out.

"Phil Please" Dan said in a broken voice.

And that was the last thing I heard from Dan before I walked out.







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