Chapter 6

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"Your aunt?" Julie inquired while raising her eyebrow. "I thought you said—"

"Does it LOOK like I know what's going on!?" he hissed. "Aunt Brenda?"

"Kyle, it IS you!" her loud voice shouted, making all three since and cover their ears.

"A little louder, most of us still have hearing!" Julie snapped.

"Who's Kyle?" Kimi asked, and her question was answered by Julie pointing at Kainak.

"His real name," she said.

"But what—oh, right, Anderson."

"GUYS!" Kainak stage whispered. "I have a BIG problem here! My AUNT, whom I haven't seen in 8 years, is on the island!"

"Why's she here?" Julie asked.

"What are you—no, that's rude. Um, Aunt Brenda, it's nice to talk to you, but... why are you here on the island?" he asked.

"Why, to see you, of course!" she replied, as if it was so obvious, even he should've figured it out. It was so obvious, even to him, that he groaned and rubbed his face. "I wanted to know what Jimmy's son was doing on an island like this one!"

Kainak only needed to look up at Julie waving her arms around, shaking her head and mouthing a few things to get the signal. "Um, I'm kind of busy right now," he said. Julie sharply rolled her eyes.

"Well then, can we meet, say, tomorrow?" she asked.

He didn't need to look to Julie to get an idea. "Sure," he said. Julie and Kimi's only reaction was to sigh in relief. Even he sighed. "How about noon?"

"Ooooh, a lunch date!" she said. "Are you bringing anyone?"

"My ma—uh, girlfriend—Julie!"


Kai immediately decided to end the conversation before things went deeper. "Okay, noon tomorrow at the research camp. See you then!"

"See you!" she said before Kai turned the radio off.

"Was I rude?" he asked.

"I dunno," said Kimi.

"I'm sorry you have to feel this way, sweetie," Julie said, walking up to him and stroking his cheek. "When we see her tomorrow, we'll be honest; you're a real-life Tarzan and prefer living in the wild instead of going back to civilization."

"How do you know you she wants me to come back?" he asked.

"I think it's pretty obvious," she replied. "Why else would she come here?"

"Good point," he said.

"Wot?" Kimi asked.

"I highly doubt that his aunt would've shown up RIGHT NOW to see Kai out of some altruistic reason," said Julie. "Something's up."

"What if it is altruistic?" Kimi asked.

"That's one possibility," said Julie.

"You don't know my aunt," said Kai.

"Which is why I'm leaving a possibility," said Julie. She turned away from him to walk over to her laptop. "I think I'll look up some stuff on your dad's company. Just in case. Meanwhile, you should try on some of those business casual outfits."

"ARE YOU KIDDING!?" he shouted, not with anger, but fear.

"Well, whaddaya expect to wear to a lunch meeting!?" she asked. "THAT!? Those are jungle clothes, not something I'd want to wear to something pretty formal, even if I swore I'd never wear civilized clothes again and I'm just as unhappy about it as you are."

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