Chapter 2

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Killian's POV

My little baby here and it was a girl. Im 16 and already a father I was very nervous about it, but seeing this beautiful little girl has changed everything so fast. Emma was sleeping and I was holding our little baby. She was so beautiful and I was starting to tear up when Ruby walked in.

"Eww its you." She says to me.

"Its nice to see you too."

"Shut up. Can you like leave the room." She says.

"No I cant like leave the room. I promised Emma I would be here with the baby as she sleeps."

"So your sleep stalking my best friend." She says.

"What is your probably?"

"I dont like you." She says to me.

"Look if your going to be rude can you just leave."

"You know what Jones. Emma is my friend and Im here for her." She says to me.

"Look Im just being here for my child."

"I dont care go away." She says to me.

"Ruby be nice." Emma says.

"Great now you woke up Emma." Ruby says.

"Actually you woke me up." Emma tells her.

"Emma I was just telling Killian to go." Ruby says.

"Killian is fine leave him be." Emma tells her.

"But Emma." Ruby says.

"Ruby leave him alone." Emma says.

"Fine I'll be outside waiting for that thing to leave." She says pointing at me and then walks out.

"Emma I should go."

I handed her the baby and headed to the door.

"Killian dont go." She yells after me.

"Emma I know you wanna have your friend in here."

"Ruby is just being protective of me she is like my sister. I dont want you to go please dont leave." She says to me.

"Well if it what you want."

"It is really." She says.

The more she asks me to stay around just makes me love her even more if only she knew how I felt.

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