Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

Its been a few days and Im finally out if of that hospital now this is going to be tough, but I think I can do it. After all Im not alone there are alot of people here to help me. I was finally home in my own bed and everything seemed great except the crying all night long.

"Emma. Hey need help?" My dad asks entering my room.

"No I think I got it."

"Okay if anything just let me know." He says and walked out.

"Come on Cleo its three in the morning go to be."

She just keeps crying and I've tried everything bottle, diaper, and so much more and she wont stop. My dad came back up and took her from me.

"Emma you cant just sit town with her you gotta move around while bouncing her up and down in your arms." He tells me.

"Dad I've tried for some reason she wont sleep."

"Well she has calmed down." He says but she started crying again.

"See she wont stop."

"Weird that usually works." He says.

We finally got her to sleep but it didnt last long at all. She was back to screaming in no time. It was now 8 in the morning and she is drinking her bottle.

2months later.

The same thing for the last two months she doesnt sleep at all I dont know when the last time I slept was. I put her down and I sleep for about 30 mins before she starts at it again. Tonight my dad has to work all night so there isnt anyone to help me. Mostly because all of them want sleep. Once this sleeping problem stop she will be going back and froth from my place to Killian's, but until then she stays here, but he is a big help with her durning the day. It was 4 in the morning and she was screaming I called up Killian and he came right over.

"Swan?" He says walking in.

"Follow the sounds of a screaming baby."

He came up to my room and knocked on the door opened it and he laughs at me.

"You look terrible." He says laughing.

"Thanks. Now for that you can hold your screaming baby."

I handed him the baby and she stopped crying. She was actually just laying there in his arms.

"I dont see the problem." He says.

"Thats not possible. Every night for the past two months my dad and I have tried everything. How are you doing that?"

"Im just holding her Emma thats all." He says.

"I think she hates me."

"No she doesnt hate you." He says handing her back to me.

"Oh I guess your right."

"I better go." He says walking out.

As soon as he was out of sight Cleo started with the screaming again.

"Killian come back here!"

"Yeah." He says walking back in and she stops.

"Now walk out."

She started crying again. He walked back in and she stopped. He kept doing that for awhile and when he left she cried when he was there she stops.

"Swan why do you keep making me do this?" He asks me.

"Hold her for a min."

I left the room and nothing she didnt make a peep. I walked back in and Killian had got her to sleep.

"I should go." He says.


"What?" He asks.

"You cant leave. Every time you leave she cries and when you come back she stops. Oh god."

"Oh god what?" He asks me.

"Shes a daddy's girl."

"Well I am awesome." He jokes.

"Well then you cant leave. You have to stay here with her."

"Emma I dont know. I mean during the day sure, but night." He says.

"Killian do you like to watch me suffer?"

"Occasionally." He says.

"Please just do it."

"Okay." He says.

I went downstairs and laid on the couch. My daughter likes her father more then me.  

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