Chapter 10

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Killian's POV

Our baby was getting big and today I left her alone with Regina and Zelena and well I came home to a baby girl all in different clothes that she didnt even have. Thats the last time I leave those to my my daughter.

"Dada!" Cleo calls when she sees me.

"Hey Killian like your baby?" Regina asks.

"Im never leaving you two with her again."

"Well your rude." Zelena says.

"What if everyone on in town is busy and you have a date with Emma, but we are the only two who can watch your baby. Do you let us watch her or not have the date?" Regina asks.

"I rather have her come on the date and make it a family date until someone is available to take her."

I picked up my baby and when to the kitchen and warmed up a bottle.

"Aww so cute." Cora says taking her from me.

"Your daughters did this."

"Yeah it looks like it." She says.

"Anyway wheres Liam?"

"He went somewhere." She says.

"Well where? He has the car and I need it to take Cleo over to Emma's."

"He should be back soon." She says.

"He went to see my father didnt he?"

"Well yes, he just didnt want to upset you. Thats all." She says.

"Why would he? He is mad about what he did."

"Yeah I know, but Liam has his reasons. Now I need to ask you something. Killian you know Im your stepmother and I adopted you and your brother years ago." She says.

"Yeah I know. Whats that question?"

"Well Im divorcing your father and I want to know if you will still consider yourself my son?" She asks me.

"Yeah I will. You have basically been my mother for years nothing will change it now."

"Well Im glade. So can I feed her?" She ask.

"Go ahead."

She took the bottle and went to the living room.

Text Message

David: Hey Killian I need to talk to you.

Killian: Sure David whats up?

David: Emma's been attacked.

Killian: Is she okay?

David: Yeah she is okay, but she wants to see you.

Killian: Where is she?

David: At home in bed.

Killian: I'll be over soon.

End of texting

"Hey guys can you watch Cleo for awhile. Emma was attacked."

"What?" Regina asks.

"How?" Zelena questions.

"I dont know, but Im going to see her. Cora will you watch my daughter?"

"Yeah. Go also tell us whats going on once you know." She says.

I walked out the door and walked over to Emma's the rain was poring down and I was almost there when a light came speeding at me. It all went fuzzy.

"Killian! You there! Stay with me!" I heard a female voice say.

"Who.. Where.."

"Killian its Mary-Margaret Emma's mom you were involved in a hit an run." She says.

"Emma... Emma..."

"She is okay. Your brother is here and the ambulance is on its way." She says.

"Killian. Little brother your going to be okay." He tells me.

"Liam go to Emma."

"Im not leaving you." He say.

"The ambulance is here and Killian I'll go check on Emma." Mary-Margaret tells me.

They loaded me up and things where turning black.

"Killian!" I heard Liam say just before I blacked out.

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