We meet Again

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I took another glance back at her, seeing the way she walked with pride and her laugh that echoed throughout the area. I wanted to go back and take her by the hand just to see her face to face again. But, Ashby's words about women being owned by gang surrounded my thoughts and that's when I took a look around. I saw some guys in the corner on the far right next to a fruit stand staring. Not just staring but glaring at me like they were about to pop from out of the shadows of the stand and attack.

I then turned back around to keep my eyes from traveling back to the girl. I shook my head not wanting to get tempted again so I kept walking on. The day grew shorter and the sun began to set in the clouds. I looked down at my watch and it read 7:00 p.m. My room should be ready by now but I wasn't ready to go back just yet. I had to see if I could meet up with her again. I decided to walk around aimlessly not knowing where to go or who to talk to. 

The sky began to turn darker and darker as the hours dwindled away. I used my watch as a distraction to stop thinking about that girl I had ran into earlier but yet, she kept crossing my mind. I stopped at a nearby bar that turned into a night club. Smoke was hovering above and people were everywhere. It was crowded and I had to find a way to maneuver myself through the crowd. I finally got to the bar and sat down. 

"What can I get ya darling?" The lady asked while cleaning out a glass. 

I looked down at the menu that was pratically tapped onto the counter then looked back up at her. 

"I'll have the La Bomba" She nodded and set the clean glass next to a stack full of others. As I waited, I looked around at the crowds of people dancing to the tropical music that was playing. And to my surprise I saw her again. I was quick to get up and walk over to where she was dancing and having fun but I sat back down. 

"Here ya go" She said as she set the glass down in front of me. Since everybody was to know one another in this community I asked the bartender about her. 

"Hey um...do you know who she is?" I asked then pointed to where she was on the dancefloor. The bartender took a quick look before grinning to herself and nodding her head. 

"Yeah that's Rihanna"

"Is she owned?" Curiosity killed the cat when that question slipped out of my mouth. She gave me a look and raised an eyebrow. 

"I see that old fool Ashby has been talking about that again. It's suppose to be on the down low"


"I'm not going to say much but they are very secretive crew"

"So is she apart of that?"

"Mhm and that's all I'm going to say. They are watching ya know?" She then walked away to tend to another customer leaving me thiking to myself. "Should I risk it?" I took a sip from the La Bomba, it atcually tasted good but strong. I got back up again. I wanted to meet her and this was my chance to do it. I made my way towards the dance and began to dance. 

Once again, I ran into her just to get her attention. She looked at me and recognized my face. 

"Your the guy from earlier"

"Mhm that's me."

"This is the second time you ran into me"

"Sorry...kind of uncoordinated ya know?"

"No I don't know. What are you? Following me now?"

"Not even close. We just happened to meet again"

She rose an eyebrow than laughed a little. Her laugh was soothing. 

"Your just trying to hard it seems like but it's cute. I'm Rihanna" She held her hand out for me to shake. 

I smiled and took her hand in mines then kissed it lightly. "And I'm Drake. It's nice to meet you" 

"Well aren't you charming?" 

"I try for a pretty lady like you" 

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you drake but I must be going now" She began to walk away but I grabbed her wrist lightly. 

"Why you have to go so soon?" 

"I um...My mother needs me at home right now. It is pretty late. I just came out to party for a little...not meet new people" 

"Is something bothering you?" 

"No..why you ask?"

"Just wondering"

"Look I really must be going now" 

"Come with me. I can take you home."

"Nah it's cool. I can walk"


She bit her soft glossy bottem lip then nodded and took my hand. She raced out of the club practically and around the corner to an alley way it seemed like. 

"Your making a big mistake"

"How? By being friendly?"

"By touching on me...kissing my hand" 

"Look Rihanna I'm only trying to get to know you"

"Well don't. I'm not your type Drake. You don't want to mess around with a girl like me"

"Ri it's all good. I'm not scared of anything"

"Just go back to your hotel and enjoy your vaction like your suppose to do" She let go of my hand disappeared  around the corner. I couldn't leave her alone like this. I had to find her again. 

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