Troubling Hearts ;; The Calm

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The long ass ride to Ashby's place felt like an eternity to get there because the sun began to peak from the small clouds that were left in the sky. I woke up to the huge jerk this taxi cab would make everytime he stopped. My head jolted so fast, that I almost cracked my neck. 

"Damn Ashby!" I said rubbing my neck a little and rolling it around. 

"Sorry Mr. Drake. Have a good night's sleep?" He asked in a small laugh before getting out of the car. I nodded a little but my body felt stiff. I got out of the car after he did and went around to the trunk which was open already. "Wait a minute" I said as I swung the trunk open. My whole suitcase was opened and more than a third of my clothes were gone. 

"What the hell!?!? How the fuck did this happen?" I turned around to look at Ashby. He stood there, slipping his shades back over his eyes. 

"Don't worry Mr. Drake. You still have clothes left...I  guess you could say I took a small nap while driving here" 

"So I got robbed"  I said while shaking ym head and zippering up my suitcase. 

"You can always go to the local mall" 

"Is it big?" 

"Big? Ah yes...yes it is" He said with another smile. 

I took my suitcase from out the trunk and pulled the handle out, then swung my carry on bag over my shoulder. I followed him into his small house. 

"It's not much but here's the guest room" He showed me into a small room where the matress was on a cot and one window let a little shed of light. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling and tiny mirror was on the floor along with a small table beside the cot. 

"Thanks. I appreciate it"  I said while setting my two bags down. 

"You have any plans for today?" 

"I was thinking of one"

"Ah well make sure to have fun. Dont want to be cooped up in this small room for long" 

"Don't worry I won't" He nodded once more and walked off back into the living room area of his house. 

I sat down on the cot and took out the small napkin from my pocket. It was slowly deteriating but I could still read her writing. I then took out my phone and looked at how much battery life was left. I clicked on the numbers written on the napkin and waited for her to answer. 


"Rihanna. It's Drake."

"Oh hey! Hold on" I heard her moving outside and closing the door in behind her. "What's good wit you?"

"Just residing in a different place to stay"

"Why is that?"

"To meet up with you easier" 

"Oh well...I'm having second thoughts about this whole thing"

"What? Why?" 

"I can't risk your life Drake. You don't even know how much trouble your getting yourself into for me"

"Ri! You know I got to see you. I didn't do all this for nothing"

"Or maybe you did" 

"You can't just give this a chance?" 

"No...chances will turn into consequences!" 

"Not if we try"

"You try....You die!" 

"Ri come on stop overreacting like this"

"Your crazy Drake! Look I got to go now. Don't call again" She hung up before I could say anything else. I tossed my phone off to the side feeling frsturated. I rubbed my face trying to calm myself down. I opened the small window to let in the warm carribean breeze. I had to clear my thoughts. 

I really didn't think she would be this troubled about it. I looked out the window at the sea that's waves were slowly coming up to the shoreline. Ashby lived by the cliffs it seemed like because we were so high up. A good place to hide too. No wonder he keeps to himself a lot. I had to remain calm and not let myself feel uneasy about this whole situation. Maybe she was right. Who was I fooling?

I decided to change into a light t-shirt and some shorts then left to go downtown once more to find some clothes to replace the ones that I was beat for. Ashby insited I give him a ride but I disregarded his offer. 

"You need your rest. I can drive ya know?"

"Just don't get my cab all messed up. That's my job right there" 

"Yes I know Ashby. Don't worry" I got inside the cab, started it up and left his house and down the road. I arrived downtown 20 minutes later and it seemed like there were more people than yesterday here. I parked where he usually parks out and got out. I  put the keys in my pocket and walked around for a little. 

A couple of guys came from around the corner, blocking my path. 

"Excuse me, your in my way"

"What's ya name?"

"Drizzy why?"

"Drizzy?" They both said looking at eachother confused. 

"Or as people like to call me OvO" 

"Da fuck is wrong with you?"

"Mayne we got the wrong guy"

"Sorry about that Drizzy" They both said walking off. As soon as they were far enough away. I laughed to myself shaking my head. 

"Dumbasses" I whispered before continuing to walk. I found myself walking into a small store that had racks full of clothes to choose from. As I was looking, Rihanna came right through the door and went up to the desk. She kissed the guy in behind it on the cheek. 

"Good Morning Uncle" She said happily. My heart sank, I didn't want her seeing me so I kept my head turned away from that direction. 

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