Fighting Crime, and being a Perv

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Spiderman chuckled a little bit seeing how cute Wade was when he was all excited. They've been partners for two weeks and they're the perfect dynamic duo. However trust seems to be slowly but gradually making it's way into their friendship. Neither of them have seen each other's full face, just lips and nose when they ate. But there was apparently enough trust to sleep over at each other's apartments...they have been for the past two weeks.

"Ready! So the mission is in a sewer?"

"Yup. Apparently there's some guy down there that goes by the name of "shredder". He hides out in the sewers and takes young adult women down there, rapes, then drowns them. In shit water! Then after that he shreds their carcasses. It's disgusting and demeaning."

"What the hell have i gotten myself into this time?"
Spiderman said while putting his hands on his knees with a distressed and worried face behind his mask.

"Hey this is nothing compared to last week's-"


" had to wear a bra.."

"That man was a sick perverted monster."

"That's why he called himself the dildo monster, now enough chit chat, time to destroy a rapist! YAY!"
Spiderman and Deadpool jumped down into the sewer and started looking around for anything suspicious.

"Hey, you know-"
Spiderman started but then quickly bent over backwards as a machete came towards him and stuck itself in the wall. A man with a loud demonic laugh and gigantic razor sharp knife blades for fingers (sort of like cat woman) started running towards Spiderman. As he ran with his hand raised up to a position where he was about to strike at Spiderman's head, Spiderman did a cartwheel backwards, dodging the hit from the man.

Said Deadpool in that serious low voice that Spiderman found very attractive but would never admit to. He then grabbed his katana squatting down and holding his sword diagonal from his hand to his cheek, in a samurai like stance. Completely still, waiting for the right moment to teleport. Spiderman did a back flip as Shredder came at him again with his razor sharp...fingers, kicking his hand out of the way and webbing it to the wall in mid-air.

Spiderman yelled. Deadpool then teleported RIGHT in front of shredder, swinging the sword to his side. Shredder then blocked the katana with his razor blade fingers and just chuckled as his managed to cut the web with is other hand bring it down on to Deadpool's shoulder.

"Hmph, that all ya got?" Deadpool said as his tilted his head to the side in a curious manner. He then brought the sword he was holding up and cut off shredder's right arm.

"I thought for sure that someone who rapes girls 24/7 and finds an elaborate way to dispose of their body would surly have better moves than this,"
He said as he slowly pulled out the razor fingers out of his arm and held it in the air as his shoulder completely healed in a matter of seconds. Shredder's eyes widened.
"But i guess if you live in a shit pit, you're bound to have shitty plans." He then broke the man's hand with one pull down as he snapped his wrist. Shredder let out a loud shriek of pain and agony as Deadpool just laughed historically. He let go of the man's hand and he dropped to the ground, sinking in the feces contaminated water. Deadpool then pointed his katana at the water searching for the head. Spiderman then slung a web and brought the head out of the water and started chuckling at how the man was choking on the water and how funny it was that he finally gets a taste of his own shitty medicine, LITERALLY.

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