Complete happiness

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[Peter's POV]

Life has been so much easier since i've met Wade. The nightmares have ended, the blade is no longer relevant, and SEX IS AMAZING!! I actually have friends now, and because of the amount of money Wade makes I've finally quit my job. I no longer feel ashamed to live or feel tortured to think about my Aunt. I quit school because what the fuck is the point. Now Wade, Brittany, Cathy, and I all live together. It's.....not gonna lie pretty fucking chaotic and actually dangerous, once Wade and Brit blew up a toilet, but....we're a family. A crazy, stupid, insane, fucked up, sexy, powerful, loving family. And that's all I could ever ask for. As for my depression......This whole self finding and growing family seems to have been the only working cure. And now I'm better than ever.

                             THE END

THIS IS THE END UNFORTUNATELY!! I really hope you guys or...the people who actually stayed true to this story ENJOYED IT please ANY feedback......idc if u hate i hate too bc i took a longass time to update BUT please do and let me know if u have any ideas and if u....want a second book based on their family?.....idk let me know. Plz ...plz


Depression's cure {Boy x Boy}Where stories live. Discover now