My last words...

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It was the best date ever. They spray painted, bashed random crooks together, they free jumped off of buildings, they acted like two crazy teenagers against the world. They were focused on only each other.

Spiderman was hanging from a building on a web upside down while Deadpool was standing over him.

"This was so fun! We have to do this again sometime! So much better than going to the movies. DID YOU SEE THE LOOK ON THAT GUYS FACE WHEN WE DREW A DICK ON HIS FRONT DOOR?! PRICELESS!" Spiderman was raving about their rebellious day that they had. It was 6:30. They've been at this for hours. They were so focused on each other, they didn't even realized the date was supposed to end an hour ago. But they didn't really care. They just wanted each other's company.

"AHA I KNOWWW! Oh oh, how about the way that waitress kicked us out of that stupid rich high maintenance restaurant that we crashed, because we were being complete assholes?! 'Excuse me sir, but i don't think your'e aloud to wear such clothing in our fine established restaurant.' And i was all like 'Excuse me bitch, but i don't think your'e aloud to treat someone who can't die and kills evil bastards for a living like shit.' HAHA! We are never going to be aloud into another fancy restaurant."

Spiderman dropped from his web and landed on his feet.

"Yea haha, but I don't care too much. That bitch Mary Jane always forced me to go to those shitty places and they always bugged me."

"Ugh. I'm sick of hearing about that ska- HEY! Do you still have her number??!" Deadpool asked extremely curious.

"Um...yea i think i actually do. Hold on."

Spiderman pull out his phone from his pocket to check his contact list.

"Yyeeeeeaa. I actually do," Spiderman said in a surprised tone, "it's 464-282-1648, why?"

"Oooo gimme."

Deadpool snatched Spiderman's phone out of his hand.

"Hey what are you doing!?"

"I wanna call this shit face and yell at her for being such a homophobe and leaving you in the dust when your only family member past away. Like what the hell, she needs to be taught a lesson."

"NO! Wade.....don't..."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because...she...I...She's still a part of me."


"I don't know I can't explain it. Just...please don't... Prank call Pizza Hut or something."


Wade pretended to type in Pizza Hut's number but really clicked on Mary Jane's contact to call her. He put the phone on speaker phone.

"OO, OO, tell them to make some sort of disgusting and unrealistic pizza! They'll be like 'what the- you need mental help sir' heheh"

Spiderman giggled a little at his own practical joke.

" know i love it when you get all giggly like that but...i don't think Mary Jane sells pizza."

The phone rang.


The phone rang.

"Look. Petey, I just have something go get off my chest. I'm gonna defend you. She won't get away with hurting you like that."

The phone rang.


The phone rang.

Depression's cure {Boy x Boy}Where stories live. Discover now