Chapter twenty-nine

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i shut my book, and get up and walk out of the classroom door,
"Scott Wait" I yell, running after him
he ignores me, and continues walking out of the school.
I run up behind him, and grab his arm,
"Scott, where are you going" I say, holding onto his arm.
He pulls away from me, "anywhere But here" he shouts
"What was all that about Scott, in the classroom. You could get yourself suspended!" I say in a worried tone
"Don't you get it, I don't care anymore elena! I'm done with this school, and.." He mumbles
"Done with me?" I say looking up at him
"I didn't say that" he replies
"You didn't need too" I say
"I just need some space, I'll call you later." He says, as he hops in his car, and speeds off.

I slowly walk over, and sit on the stairs, as I put my head into my lap, thinking about everything, trying not too shred tears.
I hear footsteps slowly heading over towards me,
"I may of heard all of that.." Isaac mumbles as he sits down, next too me.
I look up, "I'm fine, really. You should be in class.." I say, forcing a smile.
"for a start, you're not fine, don't lie too me. I'lld rather be out here with you, making sure you're okay, than sitting in a classroom with a bunch of idiots." He says, smiling alittle
I look down, smiling.

"but seriously, are you okay?" He asks
"yeah.. I'm.. no. im not okay." I say, beginning to shred tears. "I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing" I mumble, wiping my eyes.
"Hey, you have nothing to be embarrassed about, I think you look extremely beautiful when you cry" he says, holding my chin up.
"you do" I ask
"Ofcourse I do, who wouldn't" he says
I look up at him, and I can't help but to smile
"oh um, we should go back inside" I say, clearing my throat
"yeah, we probably should" he says, getting up, opening the school doors
"Thankyou" I say smiling at him , walking back inside.

I walk back into the classroom to get my stuff, and no-one is in here but Damon. I walk over to the desk, pick up my books and walk over to the classroom door.
"are you alright" Damon asks, standing behind me.
I turn around, and look at him. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask
"The way Scott has been acting lately, wouldn't be easy.." He says, sitting his coffee down.
"he saw the message you sent me, about thanking me for a good time. That's why he is mad." I say, sharply.
"oh" he mumbles
"yeah, oh" I say, under my breath

I open the classroom, door about to walk out
"We kissed" he utters
I shut the door, "I know we did" I reply
"than why haven't we talked about it elena" he says in reply
"Because there's nothing to talk about Damon?" I say sharply
"so you're saying, it meant absolutely nothing too you." He says, walking closer too me
"yes Damon, that's exactly what I'm saying. It was a mistake" I say
"You're so in denial" he mumbles
"What?" I question
"you are so in denial elena, you never admit how you feel, you're lying too me and to yourself. Look me in the eye, Tell me right now, when we kissed, you felt nothing." He yells
I look at him, "it meant absolutely nothing too me Damon, I regret every second of it." I say, opening the door and slamming it closed.

*skips too later that night*
I get home from Caroline's, and I head up too bed, I start to doze off but without warning I hear something at my window. I look at the time and it's 11pm, and it's pouring rain.
I walk out onto my balcony, and I look down, and I see Isaac standing at my front door in the pouring rain.
I run down the stairs, and quickly unlock and open the front door, "Isaac! What are you doing here?" I question
"I didn't know where else to go" he says, with tears down his face
"don't worry about it, I'm glad you came to me! Let's get you out of the rain." I say, Leading him inside.
I lead him over to the couch, and got him a blanket to put over him, and got him a hot drink.

"Did you want to talk about it?" I ask him
"I'm sorry I came here so late elena" he says, shivering.
"Isaac, don't be silly! you don't need to apologise." I say, putting another blanket over him.
We sit in silence for a few minutes
"It's my dad" he quietly mumbles
I look over at him, putting my hand on-top of his, "tell me all about it" I say
"my whole life, has been full of disappointment. my mum died when I was 7, so I've only had my dad. he hates me, he abuses me, most days. in the beginning it wasn't bad, but now. It's too much, I can't deal with it anymore, I shouldn't have too, I'm scared." He says, with tears running down his face.
I grab him, and hug him tightly, holding his hand tight. "You're the strongest person I know. I'm so proud of you Isaac. I can't believe you go through this, and don't tell anybody. you need to, you can't live in that environment anymore, it's not good for you!" I say, tearing up.
he looks to the ground, saying nothing
"You need to talk to someone Isaac" I say

I wonder who that is, this late at night.
I'll be back, I say as I get up and half open the front door.
"Scott?" I mumble
"I'm sorry, I know it's late" he mumbles
"it's fine, what are you doing here?" I ask
"I was thinking about today, and I needed to see you, could we go inside and talk?" He questions
"could we talk out here?" I ask
"Is someone in there?" He asks
"no, Ofcourse not." I say
He pushes on the door, and walks in.
"oh.. Hey man" Isaac mumbles
"You've got to be fucking kidding me" he says as he slams the door
"Scott, wait please just wait!" I yell
"Your cheating on me?" He shouts
"Ofcourse not Scott! I wouldn't do that. I just didn't say anything because I knew it would look bad" I say, putting my hand on my head
"I'm so sick of all the lies, lately everything you say is a lie. What, is it a lie that you love me too?" He shouts
A tear rolls down my face, "Ofcourse not! You know that, I love you Scott!" I say, in a shakened voice
"I can't do this anymore elena" he says, walking down the stairs
"You can't do what.." I ask
"This. Okay. I'm done!" He shouts
"Done with what Scott!" I say
"I'm breaking up with you elena" he says, walking over to his car
"Scott, please don't! I love you!" I yell, with tears running down my face.
"No elena, screw you." He says, getting in his car, as he drives off.

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