Chapter fifty-nine

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I walk into school, to see stefan by the lockers.
I put my bag over my shoulder, as i start to run over to him. Before I get the chance to, someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around to see caroline.
"oh hey" I say, grinning
"hi" she says
"how's stiles" I say, smirking, opening my locker
"he's fine" she says, leaning against the lockers
"who put bitch flakes in your cereal this morning" I ask, facing her, closing my locker
"who put stupid flakes in your dinner last night?" she asks, rolling her eyes
I laugh, "wait what" I say
"Scott told me what happened" she says
"stay out of it Caroline" I say, as I start to walk away
She walks out infront of me, stopping me.
"stefan left you, remember?" she says
"it has nothing to do with you" I say
"you're my bestfriend elena? I care about you" she says
"yeah? well if you care about me, you'll stay out of it" I say, as I barge past her, walking away.

I walk outside, to sit on the steps, waiting for the bell to ring. I hear the school door open, to see stefan, as he sits down next to me.
"hey" he says, as he nudges me
"oh hey" I say, as I smile
"how was your talk with Scott?" he asks
I scratch the back of my neck, "it was fine"  I mumble
"you don't seem sure?" he says
"I just really don't want to talk ab----"
"what were you saying?" he asks
"nothing" I say, as I get up, grabbing my bag, "we better get to class" I say

I walk into the english classroom, sitting down in my seat. I look up, to see Scott walking in, as I quickly look back down to my desk.
"okay everyone, take your seats" Damon says, fixing up his tie
Stefan walks in, walking past damon, as Damon stops him.
"Here's your new timetable for classes" Damon says, handing it to stefan
"new timetable?" stefan asks
"you've been assigned out of this class" Damon says, as he turns around, sitting down in his chair
he laughs, holding the paper, "this is a joke right?" he asks
"get your stuff and leave" Damon says
stefan shakes his head, in anger. as he picks up his books and walks out of the classroom.

I get up from my desk, as I start to rush out of the classroom,
"elena where are you going?" Damon asks
I ignore him and keep going, running up to stefan.
"elena, what are you doing?" he asks
"i can't" I mumble
"you can't what?" he says
"I can't do this" I say
"do what?" he asks, as he grabs ahold of my hand
I pull my arm away, looking up at him, "this" I say
"us" I mumble
"is it Scott?" he asks
"It has nothing to do with Scott. Im confused stefan, you left and I had to come to terms with it and all of a sudden, you're back" I say
"I was always coming back elena, it wasn't like I was gone for good" he says
"maybe not, but that's how it felt. when you left, I started hanging out with Scott again, a lot.
my feelings for Scott came back and now you're back and Im still inlove with you" I say
"if you still love me, I don't see the problem" he says
"I'm inlove with you both stefan and that isn't okay" I say
I see stefan turn his head, looking at over near the lockers, I turn around to see what he's looking at, to see scott.
"I should go to class" he says
"yeah, me to" I say, as I turn around, walking back into the classroom.

After the bell rings, I decide to go down onto the oval, to sit. I see Isaac, Caroline and stiles sitting on the grass, so I walk over to them.
"caroline can we talk?" I ask
"yeah" she says, as she stands up, as we walk onto the hill, to sit.
"I'm sorry about before" she says
I look down to the grass, "don't be, you were right" I say
"I was?" She asks
"since stefan has been back, I've forgotten about all of the things, that happened when he was gone" I say
"things like Scott" she says
"things like me, falling for Scott again" I say
"but you still love stefan, don't you" she says
I put my hand on my face, "I don't know what to say" I mumble
"Just admit it elena" she says
I look up, "if I admit that, i love them both, then what does that say about me" I say
"It says you're human" she says, slightly smiling
"I don't know what to do car" I say
"you can't have them both, so you're going to have to choose" she says
"If I choose one, I'll loose the other and I don't know if I can handle that" I say
"you're going to have to prepare yourself for whatever happens, but you need to be honest with yourself" she says, as she grabs ahold of my hand
"you're right" I say, leaning onto her shoulder
"I know" she says, as she chuckles.

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