Chapter sixty-two

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The doctor walks out into the waiting room, where everyone has been waiting for news, for the past hour.
The doctor stands there, as he coughs before he starts to speak.
"I'm so sorry, you're friend didn't make it" he says
"no, no" Caroline mumbles, as she falls down to the floor, breaking down in tears
Stefan gets up from his chair, pushing the doctor against the wall, "you're lying! This isn't real!" He shouts
Scott gets up, pulling stefan off the doctor, "get off him" Scott says
Stefan looks up to Scott, "she can't be dead" stefan says, slowly falling down to the ground
"No, no, no, no" he says, with tears running down his face
"I'm sorry for your loss" the doctor says to them all, as he then walks out.

Scott sits down next to stefan,
"Wake up" he says
Stefan looks over at him, "what?" He says
"Wake up!" He says
Stefan's eyes slowly start to open, to Scott shaking his body, telling him to wake up.
"You're finally awake, you've been out for the past hour" Scott says
"Where's elena" stefan asks, as he sits up, wiping his eyes
"The doctor said she's conscious again" Scott says
"You mean, She's okay?" Stefan asks
"She's okay" Scott says
"Oh my god" Stefan says, as he hugs Scott
Scott chuckles, hugging him back.

The doctor walks out of the room, walking over towards them.
"Elena's awake and the first thing she asked for was Stefan" he says
Stefan jumps up from his chair, rushing into the room, to see me laying there, with my eyes open.
"You're okay" he says, as he leans over, hugging me
I slightly groan, in pain
"oh sorry" he says, leaning away
I slightly chuckle, "that's okay" I say
"how are you feeling?" He asks
"Sore, but I'm okay" I say
He grins, holding onto my hand,
"I'm so glad you're okay" he says
"me too" I say, as I smile
"Elena, can I ask you something" he says
"sure" I mumble
"why did you jump infront of me, when he shot the bullet, you could of died" he says
"I would rather it of been me, then you" I say
"but why?" He says
"because I love you stefan" I say
"what about Scott?" He asks
"I want to be with you, not Scott" I say
He holds onto my hand tighter, as he smiles, "I love you, so much" he says

-------------- a week later -------------
Stefan opens the car door for me, as he helps me out, wrapping his arm around me, to help me inside.
"I can walk, you know" I say, as I chuckle
"you were told to take it easy" he says
"and I will, but I can walk" I say
"okay" he says, as he unwraps his arm from around me
I get to the bottom of the steps, infront of my house, as Stefan puts his arm around me again
"Stefan" I say, as I laugh, "I'm fine" I say
He lifts me up, carrying me up the stairs, then dropping me softly down on the lounge, "now wasn't that easier" he says smirking
I softly punch his shoulder, "no" I say, as I chuckle
"It so was" he says, leaning down infront of me, as we lean in, about to kiss.

"Get a room you two" Caroline says, walking in through the front door
We lean away, looking over to Caroline,
"Hello to you to" Stefan says, as he laughs
Caroline slightly smirks at Stefan, as she then walks over, sitting next to me,
"Good to be home?" She asks
"The best" I say, as I chuckle
"I brought you your favorite" she says, handing me curly fries
Stefan walks over, taking the fries off me, "she's not allowed to eat anything like that, for a few weeks" he says
"Come on stefan, want to kill a girls hopes and dreams" she says, raising her eyebrow
"yeah, I have been craving them, for days" I say, smirking
"fine" he says, handing me them
"thankyou" I say grinning, taking a curly fry, "so good" I say
Stefan laughs, as he shakes his head.
"Where's ali?" Caroline asks
"She has things to sort out at home, I didn't really ask" I say
"well you can't stay here by yourself" Caroline says
"actually, she's not" Stefan says
"ohh, I see. I've been replaced" she says, as she chuckles
I nudge her, "oh shut up" I say

Afew hours go by and it's getting pretty late so, Stefan and I decide to go to bed.
I walk over towards the stairs, as I try and step up them.
"need some help" Stefan asks, standing behind me
I roll my eyes, "maybe" I say
He chuckles, as he softly lifts me up, carrying me upstairs into my room, placing me in bed.
"are you getting in?" I ask
"I sure am" he says, jumping over me, getting into bed, pulling the dooner up over us both
I roll over, facing him, as I lean in closer to his chest, snuggling up to him.
"I love you" I say
"I love you more" he says, smirking
I look up, as he lifts up my chin, kissing my lips.
"Goodnight baby" he says, wrapping his arms around me
"Goodnight" I say, as I smile, falling fast asleep.

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