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I was thankful for the quiet sound the door made as it slid open. My eyes scanned the hallway for any person who may attempt to stop our escape. We couldn't risk getting spotted. There was no way I was going to be able to fit back into the oversized guards uniform considering my previous struggle putting it on and I didn't even bring one for Joseph. Besides, it slowed me down. Ensuring the hall was clear, we exited the room and broke into a crouched run down the hallway.

"Where to?" Joseph asked in a whisper.

"We're getting out of here for good," I whispered back. "We need to find the exit."

"That's easier said than done," Joseph pointed out. "Each exit is guarded by at least two guards."

"Yeah, I had to knock out two on my way in," I informed him.

"Seb, you never stop surprising me," Joseph said, with a half smile.

The sound of a blaring alarm startled us, causing me to grasp Joseph's wrist in case of an event that would incite us to run. A crackling intercom delivered a message that made my heart sink.

"Attention, all agents. An intruder has entered the premises, successfully subduing two guards. Not much information has been gathered on the intruder's appearance at this time but if you spot a person out of Mobius official uniform or designated attire, please place the offender under a state of arrest. Thank you."

I groaned. "Why am I on everybody's most wanted list?"

"Seb, you couldn't have a more discreet entrance, could you?" Joseph rolled his eyes.

"There was no other way!" I protested.

Joseph clapped his hand over my mouth as the heavy footfalls of people could be heard approaching. Quickly opening the door of a prisoner's room with the key card I retrieved, we slipped inside before the guards could catch a glimpse of us. I gasped in fright when I saw a man on a bed looking at us with curious eyes.

"You must be the intruder," the aged man said, his voice sounding distant and dazed.

I looked at Joseph for help who just returned a shrug. I took a few steps toward the man, trying to think of ways to prevent him from exposing us.

"You didn't see anything. You didn't hear anything," I told him, sternly. "Do you understand?"

"And what if I did?" the man sat up. "You're not supposed to be here."

He pointed his finger at Joseph and said, "And you are a prisoner. And don't deny it, kid. I saw you."

"Listen, we don't want any trouble," Joseph made a sign for me to stay out of this. "We just want to leave quietly. We're sorry for disturbing you."

"So, this is a rescue operation," the man spoke thoughtfully. "Not to shatter your dreams, kid but your hero looks more like a GQ model than an actual hero."

"Listen here, you sack of sh......"

Joseph interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. "Yes, this is a rescue operation and it would be most pivotal to our escape if you kept quiet."

"What are the chances of being rescued myself?" the man tried his hand at blackmailing. "Maybe if you take me with you, I'll keep quiet."

This placed us in a difficult situation. While the morally correct thing to do would be to free this man from his captors, having him would be a liability to us. He wasn't exactly the least conspicuous person. A shirtless, balding old man with a voice as loud as the alarm we had been subjected to earlier could place us in the hands of the guards. Rejecting this man's pleas for freedom would result in the reveal of our whereabouts.

The Evil Within-The Final ShowdownWhere stories live. Discover now